It Gets Better With Time

in FreeCompliments7 days ago

Time they say heals all things but most times time alone is not enough to heal everything. You need to be intentional with your time and follow your heart.

One thing about people is that they thing they don't have time. But that's not true because you have all the time in the world to manifest whatever it is you want from the universe.

Be it money, fame or anything your heart desires. You can do it if you are intentional about it. After that it's only a matter of time before things comes to place.

I know many of young adults today like to rush things. They all want it fast and instant. One thing about instant gratification is that it doesn't last that long and the enjoyment does not bring fulfillment.

It's like a story of the indomie and bean. Both are good meals to have but one is better than the other, one is faster than the other and one leaves you filled while the other only satisfy your appetite for a short time.

Whichever one you choose it's left for you but one thing is certain, you have to make a choice and you can only make one choice. Once you do that theres no going back except the universe steps in to help guide you on which path is yours.

Right now I honestly don't give a duck what's coming next, I just want to do what I want and follow my heart. And if it differ from yours it's perfectly okay.

I really am not in the mood to talk too much due to some personal reasons but if you are able to come this far know that you are the only one to define what type of life you want to live and which path is is you wish you follow.

Thanks for reading

image gotten from canva