Not for sale

in FreeCompliments9 days ago

Since I've been on this earth I've never had to make such a hard choice, but it's just how its meant to be.

Imagine you walking on a straight line or a rope that's hanged between heaven and earth. You can't look sideways nor can you talk else you fall deep into the deep fire beneath you.

Anyone who walks this path needs not know how to walk the walk but rather focus on not falling.

To many, life is an adrenaline rush. To few, life is slow walk. Nonetheless what matters is that you need to stick to your own path. You might want to follow the broad path or follow the narrow path. But whichever way, you should always have it in mind that each and every choice you make comes with its own consequences.

Even your loved ones can't make this choice for you no matter how much they try or want to.

For me I like to hustle and bustle of life, like the simple stuffs so chasing after the shinny things is a no go unless they come in their own team. Regardless what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose to himself. If you don't know yourself then you're merely living someone else's life.

Rich or poor it doesn't matter because you won't be able to take any of it when you're going back into the dark.

I made a mistake in some areas of my life but what's the point of being perfect when you know no one is perfect except the one who knows it all. Perfection is boring. Imperfection is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced my whole life.

Regardless only a man who can stand for something will be the one to own himself. Once you stand for nothing then you're just a dead man walking.

Many people are walking dead but think they are alive. To end it all...THIS SOUL IS NOT FOR SALE.

Thanks for reading.

Stay tuned. In case you're out there hoping to join the web3 revolution you can join in using my inleo link which would be posted soon.

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