The money talk

in FreeCompliments8 days ago

I have been trying to show people that money is not everything even though money is at the same time worth everything. To be honest money can buy you happiness and get you all the luxury you want but what people forget to think about is that even if you live a hundred or a thousand years you can't live a fulfilled life with money alone.

First you need real people around you to spend it with. Spending money alone is fun but it won't buy you love nor make the world a better place. If we are to look closely at all the atrocities and evil deeds in today's world you will see that money is at the root of it all.

Too much love for money has become a disease that has plaqued so many people's mind and soul. It has left many in situations where they end up losing their soul but having all the money in the world.

However having money is good and is worth striving no for only that generating money the wrong way and for the wrong reasons is where many of us get it wrong. And I am not an exemption to this rule.

I make mistakes too and have lied, cheated and sort after money in an unhealthy way which left my body, mind and soul to become corrupted by the aftermath of my actions. Some may think it's only when you cheat someone for money that you have sinned but just thinking about tricking others to giving you money when you know you have no need for it is also not an healthy habits to inhabit.

To end it all I have made peace with my soul and I don't think there's anything much that money can add to my life right now. Because honestly what's the point of having money when you don't even know when you will leave this earth. Those left here would be the one to spend it but the impact t you make in other people's lives is something that would last than any amount of money you could ever dream of.

I can go on and on about the money talk but this is merely an opinion of mine and my ideas might differ from yours. Either way you do you while I do me. That's what makes life worth living because we all have to stand for something else we die for nothing.