
We have 6 guinea pigs. 2 are "rescues"/abandoned. We started with Oreo (m) and Nutmeg(f). Oreo was misgendered and we thought we were getting two females. OOPS!

Nutmeg had 3 babies Squeaky and Nougat and Loki (Loki passed away last year).

The two rescue piggies are named Lucky(m) and Tilly (f). Our males are neutered so no more surprise pregnancies.

6 piggies seems like a lot and it is but it's also not much more work than having 4 (we also have hired family members to come to our home once a week and help us with the cleaning in general and of the cages to make sure they are well taken care of). Guinea pigs are herd animals and having the two extra "rescue" piggies has had a positive effect on all the piggies.

Maybe I will post pictures of them here on Hive on this account or my main when I am feeling better. They are cute hilarious little animals.

For now I must rest. Thanks for the conversation. I really appreciate it. ❤️🦄

Thank you very much, that means a lot. Animals bring so much joy into our homes. I have had pet rabbits in the past and was really surprised at first how unique and individual each one can be, if given the space and freedom. Hilarious and cute is how I would describe them too!
Please tag me if you do post pet photos on your other account.
Yes take your rest, I really ought to do the same. You're welcome, I appreciate it likewise! Have a good one