Porque pasaba todo el día sin llevar nada a su casa con la caña a la orilla del agua, le increpaba la gente
No sé pescar, no sé pescar pero me gusta el mar
Porque pasaba mucho tiempo sentado frente a letras bebiendo imágenes sin resolver ningún asunto, se burlaban de él
No sé pensar, no sé pensar pero amo este sonido.
Porque pasaba tantos dias mirando el cielo sin apenas conversar con nadie murmuraban sus vecinos
Yo no sé hablar yo no sé hablar pero me siento bien
Porque pasaba mucho,
mucho tiempo sentado en frente a letras
bebiendo imágenes,
sentado frente al agua sin pescar nada,
mirando el cielo sin conversar con nadie;
le acusaron de loco
dañino y peligroso.
Y lo condenaron a muerte.
El dia del suplicio
iba silbando una canción marinera
que aprendió en un libro
donde hablaba del sol.
new home
Because he spent the whole day without taking anything home with the rod at the water's edge, people rebuked him
I don't know how to fish, I don't know how to fish but I like the sea
Because he spent a lot of time sitting in front of letters drinking pictures without solving any issue, they made fun of him
I don't know how to think, I don't know how to think but I love this sound
Because he spent so many days looking at the sky with hardly any conversation with anyone, his neighbors murmured
I don't know how to talk, I don't know how to talk but I feel good
Because he spent a long,
long time sitting in front of letters, drinking images,
sitting in front of the water without catching anything,
looking at the sky without talking to anyone;
They accused him of being crazy, harmful
and dangerous.
And they sentenced him to death
On the day of the torture
he was whistling a seafaring son
that he learned in a book
where he spoke of the sun.
This post is AI free. The photos used are my property.
Buena historia mano, te faltó cargar la fotografía (cuando usas Ecency debes esperar a que cambie el nombre de la imagen donde dice "uploading") de resto un muy post.