Today I want to talk about something that we are all looking for and each one of us tries to find it in his own way which is happiness Some people find it in success others find it in good company and others feel it in the simplest things like a cup of coffee in the quiet of the morning But in the end happiness is not just a moment it is an energy that we must preserve and protect from anything that consumes it.
I think the most important thing about happiness is that we do not link it to things outside of us That is if you are waiting to be happy only when you reach a certain goal or when a certain person is in your life then happiness will most likely be something difficult to reach But if you decide to enjoy the journey itself with all its details you will feel that happiness has become a part of your day and not just a future dream.
Today the world has become fast and stressful and everything is trying to drain your energy whether it is the news problems or even the daily routine Thats why you have to preserve your happiness as if it were a treasure dont let anything take it from you easily Try to stay away from everything that consumes your energy for no reason be among people who truly love you and be happy with the little things that make your day lighter and more beautiful.
I hope we all understand that happiness is a decision not just a coincidence The decision is to see the good side even in the midst of problems and to find simple moments that make you happy even if its just a laugh with a friend or a short break away from pressure In the end preserve your energy do not let the world take it away from you and always make happiness a part of your day.