New Games in Arcade Colony ! Get The Hype of Hyper-Rail Blaster !

Hyper Rail Blast.jpg

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Great news for all gamers, cause arcade colony just announce a new game named hyper-rail Blaster ! Let's check it out !


Arcade Colony and It's Blockchain Games

Let's start with talking about Arcade Colony.
Based on it's whitepapers, Arcade Colony is a web-based platform where mainstream games can deploy web3 features. Company behind Arcade Colony is Invennium Corp, which is a subsidiary of Splinterlands, one of the largest web3 games. With the longetivity of Splinterlands, we can expect the same for the other games they provide. More details about arcade colony are on it's whitepaper which you guys can access on

When we visit the arcade colony site on , we would find there is 3 games available right now, it's Moonkarts, Splinterlands, and Genesis League Goals.



New Game is Coming !

There is announcement that buzzing us gamers, cause the dev are saying they have created a new games ! The game is Called Hyper Rail Blaster !

The whitepaper are posted by the dev on his post in

Let me give you some important point that we need to know based on the whitepaper:
#1. Hyper Rail Blaster is requesting 15M Colony tokens per year from the Arcade Colony DAO for 5 years to support rewards in game;
#2. The mechanism of this game is like the old shooting games where we need to shoot and destroy enemies by pressing the spacebar. We have 3 health points, each time the enemy reach us, we will losing one health, and once it reach zero, it means game is over.
#3. When an enemy is destroyed, it will splits into two smaller enemies, which must also be destroyed. Once all enemies in a wave are destroyed, new wave will begins. We will earn points as enemies take damage. We can also have a chance to collect randomly drop collectibles once the enemies is destroyet, which may include health boosts, Quarks (the free-to-play currency ), or a power-up that freezes all enemies for three seconds called Time Stop.
#4. We have 3 daily chance for the free to play without cost any Quarks.
#5. To avoid exploitation, after the 3 chance is used, additional play will cost 1 extra Quark, which will become 2 on the 2nd additional , and so on. The cost for additional play will reset to 0.
#6. Quarks can be purchasedat the Arcade Colony Shop with 1 script worth 1000 Quarks or with credist 1000 credits for 1000 Quarks.
#7. There will 3 categories for earning on this games, Game Rewards with 6M Colony allocated per year, Leaderboard Rewards with same 6M Colony allocated per year, and Jackpot with 3M Colony allocated per year. Details are explained on below image :



Trying the Game Before It's Launched

For getting user feedback, the dev is giving us chance for trying the games which we can access on

Here we can select the play button

Press the play button again

In my opinion, this is a great games to train our reflexes, cause we need to hit the enemy while trying to evade all of them (that bounce randomly) ! The green and red bar are the ammunition, so can't just spam the bullet every time, there is a cooldown of it after few second of use. So we need to shoot effectively for eliminating all enemies faster !

Great games for fun and training our reflex ! Can't wait for the game launch !


What's Next ?


Based on the whitepaper on the What's Next section, we can see the roadmap here. I hope things work well so we can go for the play to earn mode. This game is also going to expand for the google play store and apple play store ! Interesting !


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post. Are you excited by the Hyper Rail Blaster ? Please let us know by put it on comment section below !

If you want to play this game, you can simply visit their site on

PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

Meet me on Another Hive Game-verse :
Terracore : Just click this link
WOO : Visit WOO Website Here
Risingstar : Start the journey to become a star here

Splinterlands : Crownrends : Genesis League Goals : Moonkarts :

Put 3% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

Hyper-rail Blaster and Arcade Colony Team for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~


I have not tried the game so far, but the game mechanics doesn’t look very promising at the first look in my opinion.

it is a fun one in my opinion, cause I've been trapped on the strategy game lately, this one could sharpen my reflext