"Comments that solely consist of calls to curate 2nd layer tokens will be discounted from the tally". I can understand this point and these types of comments can seem/ be spammy.
Please keep in mind however ,that not everyone is able-bodied. As someone who suffers from cognitive and energy impairments sometimes I only have energy to type simple bot commands or just click the upvote button. It doesn't mean I do not want to engage, just that this is the only engagement at the time I am able to do. Typing even a comment of this length for some folks is very taxing and very high effort.
That's a great point. I'm already aware of Spoonies, along with some other folks who fit the bill but aren't in your community yet, so I can certainly make exception to those. I can also see who's been consistently contributing to Hive vs. those who are primarily using it solely for self-profiting reasons (which is ok by me). Additionally, the majority of users are able-bodied, so for the most part I should be able to differentiate.
It is a good thing to keep in mind, however. I'll keep special watch for those who are in your community or make clear / imply that they're disabled for the purpose of this contest.
My other monthly rewards do still consider all comments (including the bot calls).
Excellent man. You rock :)