
You are welcome. How is the recovery faring. Hope you are getting better much more than before

I am in a strange state. My cognitive function has improved tremendously. I can think more clearly and have more cognitive energy. However my physical energy has not improved and also my pain is still the same(very high all the time).

My brain is improving but my body hasn't caught up.

My hypothesis is if I can get my POTS under control my energy should eventually increase over time (energy envelope theory)I am expending a ton of energy right now with for just simple tasks like sitting up to eat. There are many treatments /medications that could potentially help with this.

Right now I am stuck in bed 23.5 hours out of 24 because I cannot be upright for more than a few minutes without literally fainting (and a whole bunch of other symptoms). Blood does not flow to my brain the way it does in healthy people. There are multiple reasons why this happens that need medical treatments.

I do have a tele-health appointment with a doctor tomorrow who has POTS herself and am hopeful she will take me seriously and prescribe some treatments.

We shall see.

Thanks for asking. I appreciate it.

I think one of the great sign is the fact that your brain is actually responding to treatment and gradually improving is a great thing. As time goes on, I believe the body will respond to it also maximum in that aspect.

Be strong dear friend