About last weekend

in FreeCompliments12 hours ago


Hello everyone!

Last weekend, I went on a weekendtrip to a place close to Damme (Belgium). Damme is an old town close to Brugge. I would say Brugge is more beautiful but Damme is smaller, less tourists and pittoresque. So definitely a great option if you have a day left when spending time in Brugge. At Friday, we went to a pizzeria where I ate, ofcourse, a pizza. It was a pizza with belpeppers, salame, cheese, mushrooms and porc. Definitely a good pizza! Some of you might maybe know, but I really enjoy eating pizza. So whenever I visit a pizzeria, I am always happy! :D

Later on, at Fridaynight, we had some talks with friends, played some games and played pool. So, just a relaxed evening which was great. I have had a busy week at work last week and this way, I could wind down. I've thought a couple of times: life can be good!

On Saturday we had breakfast in the hostel, it was't anything spectacular but we had choise and there was enough. So, no reason to complain there. Afterwards we went to a museum about World War 2. It was the 'For freedom' museum. If you're interested to learn about World War 2, than it's definitely a museum I can recommend. It's a private museum, built out of a private collection with lots of uniforms and decorations. Quite some pieces of aircrafts as well, all paired with an interesting audio guide. I have already visited a couple of war museums and this one was definitely among hhe best ones. As the sun was shining, we afterwards had a beer on the terrace. Great activity!

In the afternoon, we visited a piece of nature. I found this one less interesting as the guide was a big expert about nature and animals, but he couldn't tell in an enjoyable way. We didn't walk that much neither because we were constantly listening to his (boring) explanations. Ofcourse this is just my personal opinion, other people maybe found it interesting.

Afterwards, we went back to the hostel where we enjoyed a beer and the sun. The sun was really enjoyable. It was one of the first days of Spring where sun was shining bright. I guess we managed to create a lot of vitamin D in our body.

On Sunday, we went to visit Damme, walked a bit through the village, enjoyed the sun and drank a coffee in a great coffeebar with a nice view. As I said, it's a nice village not too far from Bruges. So, if you're spending time in Bruges and got a spare day. Damme would be a great idea!

In the afternoon, we went to a starobservatorium. We saw a video of how Earth is formed and about the universe. It really made me think how small a human and even planet Earth just is, just very tiny in a very big universe. Meanwhile we are still fighting on this tiny place in different wars. Guess we didn't learn anything after the previous world wars...

That was my last weekend, I really enjoyed it and was very happy that the sun was shing so nicely!

Thanks for stopping by!
