Belgian beer

in FreeCompliments3 days ago


Hello everyone!

I already mentioned it in my previous blogpost, I really love beer. As I live in belgium, I have plenty of beers to choose from. Today, I will talk about which ones are among my favourites. Although there aren't really much beers that I don't like, but yes, there are a couple. Keep in mind that taste is something personal so it's not because I like a certain beer that you will like it as well or the other way around. Anyway, let's start with my favourite brown beers.


Chimay bleu

Among my favorite brown beers is definitely a Chimay bleu. It's a dark brown beer. chimay is one of the authentic trappists, which tells us that it's made inside the walls of a trappist monastery. It has an alcohol percentage of 9%, so not just like a normal lager but higher. It's often a mistake when foreigners drink such strong beers in Belgium. They aren't used to it and end up wasted.


Sint Bernardus Abt

Coincidence or not but this beer has a blue etiquette as well. It's another strong dark brown beer. Its alcohol percentage is even higher as it has 10% alcohol. It's told that it's the beer which assembles the most to Westvleteren, which is one of the most hard to get beers in Belgium. Another good use is to utilize it in 'Stoofvlees', it's a meat stew, typical for Flanders. Atleast my parents in law, utilize it therefor and their stoofvlees tastes really good.

In a next post, I will talk about some other good Belgian beers. I prefer to keep talking now about these favorite brown beers. In the past, I didn't like brown beers, but step by step, I learned to appreciate their taste. Nowadays, I prefer to combine them with my dessert. As these beers are often having some hints of caramel in their taste, they are great in combination with some sweet desserts. In terms of combining them with a main dish, I would go for Stoofvlees. Like, what is better than combining a certain beer in your main dish while drinking it as well.

As mentioned, these beers are quite strong, so be prepared and don't drink them when you have to drive a car. I have been there as well. Enjoying the sun while drinking a brown beer or two or three or... and after a while I realized that I was getting tipsy. I didn't have to drive, I never drink and drive, but still my head went like 'Weeee'. When I meet foreigners and show them our Belgian beer culture, it's often a mistake they make. They drink our strong beers as if it's like the lagers and pils from their country. I can assure you, these stronger beers get you drunk way faster than a pils!

Thanks for reading! I am curios which brown beer is your favourite one? Let me know in the comments. I am now off to enjoy a good beer while sun is still shining! :D



Cool post, I love the gif.
I actually was not a beer person and found out that the alcohole free Guiness had a taste that I actually sometimes really liked.
As far as I know it did not tast properly in the beginning when they released it but after a year or so they fixed that and now it has a more consistent quality.
Many beer folks like that now as far as I have heard from other people.
I also must say that I love trying new things which is why I alwas try everything that looks interesting.

The beer in your post looks great, maybe some might be great for cooking too.
I personally like sauces on meats that use beer...

Thank you for the great post here.
Have a great day.

Haven't tried an alcohol free guiness. To be honest, havé't seen it so far. Although, I don't visits Irish pubs that often and when I do, I usually don't get further than the beers with alcohol 😅


Well I have not physically visited a single pub in Ireland yet lol.
If I get there I will absolutely visit some to see how that is.

I actually got my Alcohol free Guiness from an onlineshop who got that Guiness from the Netherlands and they probably got that from Ireland :-P
Not a joke, that is seriously how I got my Guiness.

I think I originally got that idea about the Guines without alcohol from "Daragh Curran | The Guinness Guru" on Youtube.
Was surprised that they even now have taps in the pubs for it.

Have a nice day.