Vote for @wrestorgonline as Hive witness
previous articleHello everyone, this time I would like to explain to you guys why I voted for @wrestorgonline as a witness. In my , you could already read what a witness is. Well today I'll try to explain why I vote for @wrestorgonline specific.
In my opinion a good witness needs to have the following specifications:
- Trustworthy, I think this is quite obvious as the ensemble of witnesses make up the direction we're heading with Hive. So ofcourse we don't want some malicious individuals running witnesses. In my opinion WOO exists of trustworthy people which want the best for the Hive blockchain.
- Improving Hive: This is another obvious aspect and is kind of vague. What does 'improving the Hive blockchain' mean? I see it really broad. It could be by developing different dApps or by promoting Hive tremendously or... As you already know by now, @wrestorgonline is currently developing a wrestling themed business management play2earn game on the Hive blockchain so they are definitely trying to improve the Hive blockchain by adding yet another game. While doing so, they help to promote Hive as well.
- Technical know-how: I think, but am not 100% sure, that it would be beneficial if you have some technical knowledge when setting up a Hive witness. Feel free to correct me if it's absolutely not necessarily to have so. Anyways, I am more than confident that WOO has the knowledge as they have besides lead developer, @tobias-g a.k.a. THE GOAT, several other fantastic developers.
- Experienced on Hive: This hangs a bit together with the aspect of bei'g trustworthy I think but I still want to mention it. If you're already experienced and well-know it's often easier to kickstart a project on Hive. It's logical ofcourse as you have already built out your network and connections. You already know as well how Hive and its big community is working. Some did say that Bookerman isn't known on Hive BUT he already is been working for @splinterlands for a couple of years. So behind the scenes, he already was present on our beloved chain. Besides him, WOO has different well-known persons on Hive in their staff, like I already mentioned THE GOAT, @crimsonclad,...
So in my opinion @wrestorgonline is definitely a good choice as a Hive witness as they check of all the boxes. If I may give one point of feedback than I would say that they could try to speak more about their vision for Hive, although I understand that they have other priorities at the moment with the imminent public game launch right around the corner. I just hope that at a certain moment they will write an official article with their view on Hive and its future.
As always do your own research, as I mentioned before, choosing a Hive witness is a really important decision!
Thanks for reading and as always, feel free to ask questions in the comments! :)
What is WOO?
WOO, aka Wrestling Organization Online is an upcoming play2earn game on the Hive blockchain about wrestling. They aim to bring back territory wrestling, where the wrestlers are tradeable nft's. The launch for the game is aimed to be in Q3 of 2023. To be able to launch, they already sold out 60k WOOalpha packs through various sales through 2022. Their WOOAlpha general sale sold out in 99seconds! Besides the wrestlers and managers which could been found in the card packs, they also need cities (often called land plots, but in WOO, we talk about cities). For more information about the ongoing city sale, check out:
A lot could be said about WOO, to get more information about WOO in general, check out the posts of @wrestorgonline and make sure to join their discord: