Searching a side hustle

in FreeCompliments15 days ago


Searching a side hustle

Hello everyone!

Lately I was thinking to start a side hustle as I got some spare time over which I could utilize to generate money. I searched around a bit and figured out fast that reddit is a great place with some big communities talking about side hustling. One of the ideas it gave me, was to start a job board in a specific niche. I could build one myself, try to get traffic and afterwards earn money from ads and selling good spots for job advertisements. At first it sounded like a great idea. I searched around and found some good niches which could work, so far so good.

But than the next thing would be to buy a website, atleast the address. Before I should spend money, I wanted to first do some more due diligence. As with every investment, doing enough due diligence is imoortant. I figured out there are websites which could help you create a job board without the need to have coding knowledge. As I am not a programmer, that was another issue I had and which would cost me money. I figured out, I should check if there would be potentially enough traffic for the niche I would choose, ended up, there wasn't. So, got catapulted back to reality.

No problem ofcourse as I could check and go for another niche, which I did. Another important aspect with a job board is: how do you fill it. When your job board is empty, you will loose traffic. When it's filled with random jobs, not linked to your niche, you'll loose traffic as well. It is possible to scrape sites, but here again, I don't know much about coding. Could be outsourced, but would cost money. Another hurdle to take before it would be possible to attract enough traffic to my jobboard.

I continued my research to see which niche job boards already exist in Belgium. Figured out that my idea already existed, with a good websitename and strong Search Engine Optimisation(SEO). Hmmm, catapulted once again to the designtable. All of this while I thought, I don't know anything about SEO neither.

As you can read, there are quite some hurdles before you're able to create a jobboard, let alone to monetize it. Or I would need to invest quite some money in this trial, hoping it would take off to earn a multiple of the invested money back. As I don't like the 'I need to hope', I decided to search for another side hustle. I still think someone could create a jobboard (for a niche) and earn money while doing so but it isn't anything for me as I lack the skills to build one. I would say you would need atleast some marketing (SEO) or coding knowledge. So yes, I ended up continuing my search for a decent side hustle. Feel free to follow me to get to know more about my search for the ultimate side hustle!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Feel free to share your side hustles!
