¿Am I an idiot for trust on my son?
Am I an idiot for not understanding this blockchain thing? publishing and sharing these texts and threads pertaining to specific communities is a bit complicated and at the same time a bit boring and maybe you will excuse my sincerity but that is how I personally see it, my son has practically forced me to write whatever comes out here in my mind so that I can just breathe, analyze, analyze and say what I can say regarding as I started in the beginning, I really am an idiot for believing in this world of cryptocurrencies where we can help our earnings because I feel that each person has something that is a bit easy to do. and say what I can say regarding as I started at the beginning I really am an idiot for trusting to believe in this world of cryptocurrencies where we can help our earnings because I feel that each person has something in which it is a little easy or simple to participate because for a person of unity is not something common or is something that is given to us as naturally as the current youth but here I am giving my support to the entire community. Thank you very much for your support and above all congratulations for this new community which I hope you have success in which I wish you all the best and of course continue sharing as what you are, a community. Disclaimer: This publication was written by me, my son helped me to place codes and motivated me to write this with that amazing image, which is Me with glasses that he calls noggles.
image by @fonestreet