It doesn't seem to work indeed. I will check it tonight if it caught up or not otherwise try again.
I've always lived landlocked myself in Holland and all I can remember is sea food being expensive. Then we moved to Spain for a bit and enjoyed tons of smoked salmon as one of our special treats every week going to Aldi (lol) it was only 2 or 2,50 euros a pack. We were looking forward to this when living in Budapest (and moving back here) only to find out that smoked salmon prices went through the roof here as well. I can only imagine what it costs in landlocked areas nowadays.
I will try lobster one day if at the right place. I have not seen any place here where I feel its justified to pay top dollar for something I may hate, lol.
We did a lot of work in the house today, finally have a storage cabinet in the laundry room and the small bedroom/my office is now almost cleared from boxes. We moved the desk as well so we have some more walking space (we hurt our feet several times already on the bed, lol).
Will head to a friend to catch up after too many months in a bit. Kitten cuddly time as she has foster kitties :)
Have a good one!