[ESP/ENG] Vibes WEB3 Music Competition - Week #13 ~ "Y volveré" by Los Ángeles Negros ~ Vocal cover by @alejandrop ♪

in Vibes4 months ago


Saludos a toda la comunidad de #Vibes.

Es un placer para mí anunciarles que traigo una nueva entrada más para este concurso de la web3: Music Competition, el cual transcurre en su semana 13.

Como he venido trayendo para todo ustedes nuevos temas interesantes, para esta oportunidad le toca el turno a otro excelente tema de los ángeles negros titulado "Y volveré", el cual desde pequeño me fascinó incluso cuando yo no sabía nada de la música, o tan siquiera sabía cantar afinado. He llegado tarde al concurso pero igual no pude dejar pasar esta maravillosa oportunidad porque al final todo lo hago con amor para todos ustedes.

Espero les guste mi interpretación y nos vemos en la próxima semana #14.

¡Feliz tarde!.

Greetings to the entire #Vibes community.

It is a pleasure for me to announce that I bring another new entry for this web3 contest: Music Competition, which takes place in its 13th week.

As I have been bringing new interesting songs for all of you, for this opportunity it is the turn of another excellent song by the black angels titled "And I will return", which fascinated me since I was little even when I didn't know anything about music, or even I didn't even know how to sing in tune. I arrived late to the contest but I still couldn't miss this wonderful opportunity because in the end I do everything with love for all of you.

I hope you like my interpretation and see you next week #14.

Happy afternoon!.

My Twitter submmission:


Amor, adiós
No se puede continuar
Ya la magia termino
Ahora tengo que marchar
Será mejor
Seguir nuestra soledad
Si hoy el cielo se cubrió
Quizás mañana brille el sol
No sufras más
Quizás mañana nuestro llanto quede atrás
Y si me dices que tu amor me esperará
Tendré la luz que mi sendero alumbrará
Y volveré
Como un ave que retorna a su nidal
Veras que pronto volveré y me quedaré
Por esa paz que siempre, siempre tú me das
Que tú me das
No sufras más
Quizás mañana nuestro llanto quede atrás
Y si me dices que tu amor me esperará
Tendré la luz que mi sendero alumbrará
Y volveré
Como un ave que retorna a su nidal
Veras que pronto volveré y me quedaré
Por esa paz que siempre, siempre tú me das
Que tú me das
Y volveré
A tus brazos caeré
Las estrellas brillaran
Nuestro amor, renacerá

English Lyrics.gif

Love to god
Can't continue
The magic is over
Now I have to go
It will be better
Follow our loneliness
If today the sky was covered
Maybe tomorrow the sun will shine
Don't suffer anymore
Maybe tomorrow our crying will be left behind
And if you tell me that your love will wait for me
I will have the light that will illuminate my path
And I'll be back
Like a bird returning to its nest
You will see that soon I will return and stay
For that peace that you always, always give me
That you give me
Don't suffer anymore
Maybe tomorrow our crying will be left behind
And if you tell me that your love will wait for me
I will have the light that will illuminate my path
And I'll be back
Like a bird returning to its nest
You will see that soon I will return and stay
For that peace that you always, always give me
That you give me
And I'll be back
I will fall into your arms
The stars will shine
Our love will be reborn


Source: YouTube

Lyrics sourcePost translated by Google Translator

MaríaRuiz Por siempre.jpg





please read announcements. you were late for week 13

Yep I've read late

When I was making the post you published the top 10 post haha

Always pinned on top of the Vibes community are the dates of each week. The week ended 16th.

Yep bro... I'll tell you the truth, that day I woke up and my brain was already not working well, making the video and music production all night, when I published it was already late: The post was already done, and well, I couldn't take it back. I apologize again for that friend, my life has been in chaos lately, trying to cope with things. I wrote to @verbal-d on several occasions to tell him that I was about to record but something always happened to prevent me from doing so.

Even though you were late this is extremely beautiful! ❤️ such a heartfelt vocal and hope you get Week 14 in time so I can hear you again!

Thank you I will record this week again :)