Vibes Web3 Music competition week 16 / my firts song

in Vibes8 months ago (edited)

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Hey HiveLovers, this is my entry for Vibes Web3 Music competition week 16 and with great enthusiasm I am going to tell you the story of the first one I composed.


It was the year 2008 and I was giving shape to my first musical project which I called Proyecto Babandí. Babandí is a word that comes from Aboriginal dialects and whose meaning as such is not established. The name is attributed to a plant whose root has aphrodisiac properties according to the worldview of the inhabitants of the east of the country.

Origin of my first song

My musical project is Caribbean music and includes genres such as Reggae, Ska, Cumbia to name a few. Within our imagination is the love for nature and even more so for living in Venezuela, one of the few countries with megadiversity in both climates and flora and fauna.



That's why to start the project I decided to compose a song that gathered the best of our beautiful nature, creating a common thread between fauna and natural landscapes, combining human love.

That's why I was inspired by the Bolívar State where I lived at that time. It is home to the Canaima National Paraue, where the oldest geological formations on the planet are located, the highest waterfall in the world El Salto Angel or as its aboriginal inhabitants of the Pemón Ethnicity call it, Churum Merú. The same place that inspired the 2009 film Up by the Pixar production company.

The song is a story where a man has lost his beloved in the forest and blanket of this beautiful Paraue mentioned above. And he manages to establish some connection thanks to the fact that there are flowers in the air which indicates that there is the presence of his beloved in a magical and ethereal form. Meanwhile, he dedicates himself to searching for her tirelessly, asking birds like Macaws, asking trees, and walking through different landscapes, ending up in the Amazon jungle. He swears he will find her.

This song has not been modified over time because for me it is very special and I treasure it a lot.

Here I will leave you a translation of the song from Spanish to English so you can appreciate it better.

Song Flores en el aire by Iván Montti year 2008


Flowers in the air
They announce your presence
flowers in air
They announce your existence

Stanza I

A long time ago I waited for you on the edge of the abyss
And now I can't find you
In this infinite forest everything is empty
I'm going to look for you, I'm going to find you

Pre chorus

I asked a Macaw
If he has seen you on the road
Searching for you from the rivers
Between bushes and stones
Between forests and slopes
Between Algarrobos and Bucares
I'm looking for that aroma, that nectar
Through the fog I continue


Flowers in the air
They announce your presence
flowers in air
They announce your existence

Verse II

And it is for you
that I have exhausted my existence
and it's for you ayayai

that I have lost my patience


Flowers in the air
They announce your presence
flowers in air
They announce your existence


Flores en el aire 🌸🐝🌸 Hermoso tema 🌺

Hermosa como tu 🌺🥰😍 Te amoooo 😍