Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week #20 cover The Beatles "Yo soy la Morza"

in Vibes6 months ago

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Hola amigos de VIBES WEB3 MUSIC COMPETITION WEEK #20 , hoy quiero participar en este prestigioso concurso musical, presentandoles esta canción titulada "Yo soy la Morza", haciendo memoria de la década de los años 1960 al 1970 en donde nacio unos de los grupos mas grandes de la historia de la musica popular, me refiero a los fabulosos de Liverpol como lo fueron "The Beatles", imnovando la musica y llevandola a otros extremos, en donde se pueden apreciar canciones rock and rool y tambien se pueden apreciar temas orquestales muy clasicos, este grupo jugo con muchas influencias musicales, desde musica con tematicas Indias hasta musica psicodelica, con atmosferas cambiantes y la integracion de muchos intrumentos nuevos en el rock como La Sitara, un intrumento genuinamente de la India, que mas se podria decir de esta gran banda Britanica como lo fueron The Beatles, todos sus ambunes son un gran recorrido por las viejas y nuevas tendencias que se manejaban en aquella epoca, un tiempo de descubrimientos y conjugaciones musicales que dieron pie a la formacion de otros grupos que siguieron esos patrones y llegaron a ser muy exitosos, esta cancion fue un cambio rotundo al estilo que ya venian presentando, una cancion con melodias cambiantes y con letras muy directas y metaforicas, este tema musical ha sido versionado por muchas bandas e interpretes al pasar de los años, convirtiendose en una cancion emblematica que marca un antes y despues para the Beatles, con letras muy metaforicas y cambiantes, yo quise hacer esta version en castellano y cambiarle unpoco dandole un toque mas rock con guitarras mas estridentes, toda una aventura hacer este tema y poder traducir lo mejor que pude para asi poder ajustar la letra al ritmo, claro esta en castellano, saludos y exitos para todos y que viva la musica.

Hello friends of VIBES WEB3 MUSIC COMPETITION WEEK #20, today I want to participate in this prestigious musical competition, presenting you this song titled "Yo soy la Morza", remembering the decade of the 1960s to 1970s where one of the most popular groups was born. greats in the history of popular music, I am referring to the fabulous ones from Liverpol such as "The Beatles", innovating music and taking it to other extremes, where you can appreciate rock and roll songs and you can also appreciate very orchestral themes. classics, this group played with many musical influences, from music with Indian themes to psychedelic music, with changing atmospheres and the integration of many new instruments in rock such as the Sitara, a genuinely Indian instrument, what more could be said about this great British band like The Beatles were, all their ambunes are a great journey through the old and new trends that were used at that time, a time of discoveries and musical conjugations that gave rise to the formation of other groups that followed those patterns and They became very successful, this song was a resounding change to the style they had already been presenting, a song with changing melodies and very direct and metaphorical lyrics, this musical theme has been covered by many bands and performers over the years, becoming in an emblematic song that marks a before and after for the Beatles,
with very metaphorical and changing lyrics, I wanted to make this version in Spanish and change it a little giving it a more rock touch with more strident guitars, quite an adventure to make this song and be able to translate the best I could in order to adjust the lyrics to the rhythm, of course It is in Spanish, greetings and success to all and long live the music.

"Yo soy la Morza"
Letra y música por The Beatles

I estrofa

Tu eres El
Tu eres yo
Y todos somos uno

Van ladrando
como perros
y luego se van
se van

Vivo en el parque
veo gente pasar
con sus camisetas blancas,
blujeanes rojos
lentes oscuros como de cristal
zapatos nuevos, es una Foca
que va aplaudiendo ku kuk kuru

Sr. Poli - Policia
con sus mini polis en la fila
Estan cantando una cancion
que no volvera
Jamas, jamas jamas

Pan de perro muerto
lagrimas de un mudo tuerto
¿Que es lo que no entiendes?
y te lo explico y te lo repito
y no lo logras captar
tu eres un huevo, eres estielco
tu eres la morza

Desde tu cafe jardin
espera el Sol tomar
y si no sale con la lluvia fresca
se tendra que apagar
tu eres un huevo
eres estielco

kuku kuru ku
ku ku kuru ku


I Am the Walrus

I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun
See how they fly, I'm cryin'

Sitting on a cornflake
Waiting for the van to come
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday
Man, you've been a naughty boy
You let your face grow long

I am the eggman
They are the eggmen
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob

Mister City policeman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row
See how they fly like Lucy in the sky
See how they run, I'm cryin'
I'm cryin', I'm cryin', I'm cryin'

Semolina pilchard
Climbing up the Eiffel Tower
Elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna
Man, you should have seen them
Kicking Edgar Allan Poe

I am the eggman
They are the eggmen
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob
Goo goo a'joob g'goo goo g'joob, g'goo
Joob! Joob! Joob!

Joob! Joob! Joob!
Joob! Joob! Joob! Joob! Joob!
Joob! Joob!
Joob! Joob!

Umpa, umpa, stick it up your jumper
Everybody's got one, everybody's got one
“Villain, take my Purse
If ever thou wilt thrive, bury my Body
And give the Letters which thou findst about me
To Edmund Earl of Gloucester: seek him out upon the English Party
Oh, untimely death, death–”
“I know thee well, a serviceable Villain; as duteous to the Vices of thy Mistress as badness would desire”
“What, is he dead?”
“Sit you down, Father; rest you”

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Nicely presented @betzaelcorvo

Hello friend, thank you for your great support, greetings and success to you