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RE: Break Out The Crazy - Como Suena (Ft. Pavel Nuñez)

in Vibes5 months ago

Hey Jessica!
Here you go! Thanks a lot. We are actually not entering into the contest, we thought the hashtag vibes was just for music lovers. Hopefully in the future we enter.

What does it sound like?
A sunset of crimson and gold
When you fall in love for the first time
And in his/her gaze you see a forever.

What does it sound like?
Feeling that you have a place to lay your head
Every spring bloom
And in the heat a sip of fresh water.

The feeling of reaching your destination
And almost when you faint, you say it was worth it.
Hope, what does it sound like?

But it's impossible
There are no words
There's no melody
That I can express
A life is not enough to be able to find
The verses that say
How beautiful it is to love

What does it sound like?
When winter inherits many springs
When you're staying even if you didn't want to?
Inside me, inside me

You saved me when the darkness covered everything.
When everything was condemnation
You picked me up when my soul didn't have a direction.
And my heart broke.
Because it wasn't worth waking up.


It would be great to see you both enter the contest.
A very rich lyrics.
Thanks for sharing the lyrics in English.
It is a delight listening to you.