🎷 Vibes Week 9 - Music Competition🎷MOONLIGHT SERENADE (ing/esp)

in Vibes11 months ago (edited)

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Greetings to all the participants of this contest of the vibes en hive community already in week nine, I feel very happy for the receptivity I received in my previous video, the truth very motivated and inspired to participate in this week.
For this week I decided to present something that may not be common, is a Big Band theme that normally requires at least 20 instruments playing together ie 20 musicians on stage, thanks to technology you can see and hear at least 7 instruments playing and creating a well known melody of the master Gleen Miller

un saludos a todos los participantes del este concurso de la comunidad de vibes en hive ya en la semana nueve, me siento muy feliz por la receptividad que recibí en mi video anterior, la verdad muy motivado e inspirado para participar en esta semana.
Para esta semana decidí presentarles algo que quizás no sea común, es un tema de Big Band que normalmente requiere de al menos 20 instrumentos tocando en conjunto es decir 20 musicos en escena, gracias a la tecnologia podrán ver y escuchar al menos 7 instrumento sonando y creando una melodía bastante conocida del maestro Gleen Miller.

In this presentation I recorded each instrument separately in one take and mixed them with the Cap Cut application; almost nobody knows but my first instrument I studied was the clarinet, a very complex instrument to master, I began to study it when I was a teenager, then I began to study the saxophone which became my main instrument and finally in 2020 I began to study the trumpet which I study almost every day.

En esta presentación yo mismo fui grabando cada instrumento por separado en una sola toma cada uno y los mezcle con la aplicación Cap Cut; casi nadie sabe pero mi primer instrumento que estudie fue el clarinete instrumento muy complejo de dominar, lo comencé a estudiar cuando era un adolescente, luego comencé a estudiar el saxofón que se convirtió en mi instrumento principal y por último en el 2020 empecé el estudio de la trompeta que la estudio casi que diario.

Moonlight Serenade

Undoubtedly moonlight serenade is an iconic theme of big band jazz music, a swing ballad created by Glenn Milller in 1939

Sin lugar a duda moonlight serenade es un tema icono de la música big band jazz es una balada swing creada por Glenn Milller en 1939.

This song titled Moonlight Serenade as I said at the beginning requires at least 20 musicians instrumentalists, what I did was to record the instruments that I mastered and recorded the following voices: principal clarinet, alto saxophone I and II, trumpet I,II,III,IV. That is 7 melodies sounding together, too bad I did not learn to play trombone to sound full Big Band.
Today I dressed in a suit because for this style of music the common thing is formality and I wanted my presentation to be as close as possible to a big band, although I confess that the heat was suffocating me, good my friends I say goodbye to you I hope you like this beautiful theme.

Este tema titulado Moolight Serenade como lo dije al principio requiere al menos 20 músicos instrumentistas, lo que hice fue grabar los instrumentos que domino y grabe las siguientes voces: clarinete principal, saxo alto I y II, trompeta I,II,III,IV. Es decir 7 melodías sonando en conjunto, lastima que no aprendí a tocar trombón para que sonara full Big Band.
hoy visto de traje porque para este estilo de musica el lo comun es la formalidad y queria que mi presentacion fuera lo mas parecido a una big band, aunque les confieso que el calor me estaba sofocando, buenos mis amigos me despido de ustedes espero les agrade este hermoso tema.


Sax Alto


para mi es un honor estar compartiendo buena musica con ustedes, espero que mi presentacion haya sido de su agrado.

for me it is an honor to be sharing good music with you, I hope that my presentation has been to your liking.




cada dia es una oportunidad para crear, expresarnos y crecer
Every day is an opportunity to create, express ourselves and grow.

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This takes me back into time, this was a beautiful and splendid performance entry by you, thank you for your precious gifts in instrumentation and for giving me nostalgic vibes, I think immediately of my grandmother, I loved this

friend, thank you very much for your comment, I feel praised, thank you very much

Genial como siempre amigo, felicidades

Muchas gracias amiga por tus buenos deseos

O my God! Where have you been man?
I have missed watching you with your amazing skills playing just wonderfully each time
This is just amazing

Great music from you

Thanks friend