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RE: Vibes Web3 Music competition Week-19 || [Been through enough] original song

in Vibes6 months ago

queria preguntarte algo ¡¿tu idioma nativo es el ingles o tinen otro idioma en tu pais'?

I wanted to ask you something, is your native language English or do you have another language in your country?como estas hermano te felicito por ser compositor, tu estilo de alguna manera me traslado a algun lugar nativo lleno de naturaleza , es algo genuino y afinas muy bien, es un canto que invita a la lucha y crea un poco de nostalgia, un gran abrazo desde Venezuela @scottykriz Like these brother, I am happy for being a composer, your style somehow takes me to some native place full of nature, it is something genuine and you tune very well, it is a song that invites us to fight and creates a little nostalgia, a big hug from Venezuela @scottykriz


Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement
I'm really happy to knowing that you like me

English is basically or general language for communication. Of course we have many other native languages in Nigeria @encuentro