VIBES WEB 3, Music competition week 17: Cuando baja la marea (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]
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Suelo usar una temática para la semana o el mismo artista para las comunidades musicales a las cuales particio, creí que la que hice y ahora esta eran popularizadas por la RBD, la cantante Dulce María, que equivocado estuve. Así que supongo que la temática que sigo para esta semana en las comunidades musicales es el verano, ambas canciones que he hecho menciono esta estación que en mi país no existe, acá tenemos periodo lluvioso y sequía, pero supongo que tenemos igual una pequeña idea de que trata esa estación extranjera.
I usually use a theme for the week or the same artist for the musical communities to which I participate, I thought that the one I did and now this one were popularized by the RBD, the singer Dulce María, how wrong I was. So I guess the theme I follow for this week in the music communities is summer, both songs I've done mention this season that in my country doesn't exist, here we have rainy season and drought, but I guess we have a little idea of what this foreign season is about.
Hello people of the community of VIBES WEB 3, I am @eudarcabello this time for the musical competition in week 17, the song this week I wanted to continue with the songs I did for another community that have summer theme, I felt that everything lent itself to make it, it is a song that I knew from the voice of Dulce Maria, but it turned out that it was much more popular many years ago before by another Mexican singer, the great Yuri. This week is super important for my country, as they are the presidential elections, trusting in God that everything will turn out as best as possible, as for the work I hope it will work in my favour, I am grateful to have it and it is also part of the blessing of having a job, but I would really like to be well paid, so I need to fill myself with faith and go out to vote, this song helped me, if I were dedicated to the world edition for sure, as I do not have much time I did so, this time it is the song titled "When the tide goes out". I think I ended up enjoying the way I did it, I'm sure I can say that I liked the way it turned out and I respect if you don't think the same.
Se que esta plataforma no se tocan temas políticos, solo espero las cosas de verdad mejoren, ya el que quiera sabrá entender a que me quiero referir, no entraré en detalle. La verdad no soy una persona de tener mucha fé, pero parece haber un poco de esperanza y quiero apoyar a que se logre lo mejor. Mucho del tema, lo que si invito a todo Venezolano pueda que vote, ya no importa a que pensamiento se encuentre alineado.
I know that this platform does not touch on political issues, I just hope that things will really improve, and whoever wants to will understand what I mean, I will not go into detail. The truth is that I am not a person of great faith, but there seems to be a little hope and I want to support the best. I would like to invite all Venezuelans to vote, no matter which way of thinking they are aligned.
Para cambiar ya del tema, capaz lo comuniqué de más, así que a tocar nuevamente en esta comunidad en mi progreso a lo del estudio de postgrado de Biología Marina, no avanza tan rápido como me gustaría. Parte de los requisitos para concursar y poder ahora si inscribir postgrado, aun no los logro, perdi los comprobantes de varios cursos que hice y las preparadurias docentes que ayudaría a que mi currículum luzca bien, logré pocos de los cursos, el jefe de departamento de Biología solo consiguió según el una de mis preparadurias, aún cuando le dije que fui como cinco veces, me dice que buscaría, solo me hace perder días, pero ya me dijo que esta semana me dara la que tiene y que no logró conseguir las otras.
To change the subject, I may have overcommunicated, so I will touch again in this community in my progress to the postgraduate study of Marine Biology, it is not progressing as fast as I would like. Part of the requirements to compete and to be able to register for postgraduate studies, I still can't get them, I lost the vouchers of several courses that I did and the teaching preparatory courses that would help my curriculum to look good, I got few of the courses, the head of department of Biology only got according to him one of my preparatory courses, even when I told him that I went about five times, he tells me that he would look, he only makes me lose days, but he already told me that this week he will give me the one he has and that he didn't get the others.
I want to take the opportunity to invite to participate in this community to my friend of singing lessons @carlosbutto07 that just the day of voting birthday, hopefully as his gift comes out the best result for the country, I hope that this everything related to the postgraduate also be excellent and I think I'm putting all of me to make it so, now it's time to hope for the best. Grateful for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I have got rid of, for your support, I hope you also visit my other posts, many successes with your content and see you next week.
Quiero aprovechar de invitar a participar a esta comunidad a mi amigo de clases de canto @carlosbutto07 que justo el día de votaciones cumple año, esperemos que como su regalo salga el mejor resultado para el país, tengo la esperanza que este todo lo referente al postgrado también resulte excelente y creo estar poniéndole todo de mí para que así sea, ahora toca esperar lo mejor. Agradecido por todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y de las malas que me he librado, por tu apoyo, espero tambien visites mis otros post, muchos éxitos con tu contenido y hasta la próxima semana.
▶️ 3Speak
Bien hecho hermano es una bonita canción que no conocía de echo y me alegra mucho conocerla por ti que bueno que traes tu voz a vibes es lo máximo un abrazo
Gracias por el apoyo
Por nada hermano
Hola!!! Primera vez que la escucho y es bella está canción, en tu voz quedó genial. 👏👏
Gracias cariño