Today I bring you my participation in this wonderful musical contest of hivevibes ptoject, because in spite of a small affection in my throat product of much medication, i tried to get my voice out as best i could, because i did not wat o pass by without leaving my psrticipation in this worderful iniciative.
And here we are, thanking the #vibes community and @lordbutterfly, for creating this wonderful opportunity to make known our wonderful ecosystem, especially in web2 platforms, this will surely allow new users to join and we can enjoy their art in our home.
For this first week I bring you a song by the group Buena fe, a bolero with a Caribbean flavour, which narrates a tragic event where two couples converge in a love trio that has devastating consequences for the four of them.
It has been a long time since I last sang for reasons beyond my control and I hope that with this initiative I can resume the work of singing that I have been developing all this time in our ecosystem.
Bloddy bolero.
The lights of the beacons tear the night with their contrasts.
The hysteria of the sirens as a hint of disaster.
Detour on the road, warnings, radio speakers.
There is no world for urgency if even haste has arrived late.
Shocked, the eyes no longer look at that ordeal.
Sudden was the death, it is recorded on the form.
The curve not so sharp, the brown beast from the front
And a kiss, a wasted kiss, stained the asphalt, blood and oil.
Hospital light sincere at last
Reveals what were two bodies in heat.
Behind the door, they arrive in compunction
Each one alien,
shared pain.
Two deceived exes
Wife and husband, wife and husband.
Soul, how you go away disguised as secrets
Today that of love you leave my heart full of love.
Forgive me for not reaching you
Forgive me for being small
Pride and vanity are no longer needed
Although rancour insists on knocking on my door.
I want to be just an open door to embrace
What downpours of memories run uncertain steps
Clumsy deceitful steps.
Oh soul
I care little for the murmuring of the packs of hounds
I'm more afraid of your ghost night and day.
Who will suddenly go to kiss me through the corners of this house
And I won't know if she still deceives me or if she misses me.
Where you fell ill of laziness and habit
When surrender, became inert servitude.
But what I know saddest of all
Is that I envy who you gave that last passionate caress.
I have the life that still withered, still greens up.
You were right when you said so many times
That each one will get what it deserves.
What it deserves.
For the editing of the video I used the videomaker programme.
The images were taken from and edited with polish.
For the translation I used the Deepl application.
The logo belongs to the #vibes community.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Excelente interpretacion estimado, tienes una voz muy potente y mucho talento para el canto, felicitaciones por tu brillante participacion ❤️ y la edicion del video no se queda atras, ya que lleva un buen trabajo editar y arreglar este tipo de videos, mis respetos.
Te deseo exitos y una bonita vida semana 😊
Muchas gracias amiga, en realidad mi voz no está en su mejor momento, pero hay que hacer la lucha.
Y la edición del vídeo es uno de mis pasatiempos favoritos, así que lo disfruté muchísimo.😄😃💺
Gracias por pasarte por aquí.
Wow, what a nice sounds, well done
Thank you for your appreciation and visit! 😀
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Una de las cosas que más admiro de ti sin lugar a dudas es tu fuerza de voluntad, pues a pesar de todo lo malo que estás viviendo, siempre sigues adelante y no te rindes, pronto las cosas van a mejorar ya lo verás, ame tu vídeo está increíble, a seguir trabajando amor.
Los boleros son tan bonitos, son una caricia para quien los escucha y ameritan más que técnica interpretación, muy bonita la tuya.
Si, el bolero a través de la historia ha abarcado mil cosas y le ha dado espacio a todos los sentimientos, en mi opinión su esencia está en la interpretación, gracias por estar aquí, y me alegra que te haya gustado mi intento.💕🫂🌹
Caramba. Apreciado amigo. Qué alegría es volverte a ver por dónde juntos comenzamos. Me llena de alegría el que hayas tomado esa actitud positiva. Bienvenido de regreso a lo que muy bien haces. Un abrazo amigo mío. Muy bien.