I absolutely disagree with everything you said Lord vibes and highly disappointed about your view of this as well, EVERYTHING Melitza stated is valid, I had to bottle in how I felt about last week and that is why I had no desire to participate this week, I know Personally my performances are not top notch because I see this platform as a place to grow and improve my singing skills I have seen several amazing musicians, beautiful singers and awesome performers get sidelined because of everything she just mentioned.
Calling criticism “Dumb shit” is not what I expected from the Vibes and seeing Verbal-D agree with this goes to prove you guys did not read to understand but only to reply. So many other artists here share the same thought as Melitza and God bless her for being the one to speak up. You stated yourself how she has been topping on vibes and Hive, well the Vibes community gave the platform but her effort, consistency and performance blessed her with the engagements and growth!
Calling her ungrateful! Like come one. Lol she literally mentioned what she has gained thanks to the Vibes community.
Giving bread does not shield one from criticism.
There is criticism that was already answered, nicely like all criticism so far has been. I invite people to share their thoughts and any criticism they might have. That was completely fine and dealt with.
Claiming that Vibes is harassing people or forcing musicians to harass people is completely out of line and will be dealt with as I see fit, which is calling it what it is. Stupid shit.
Beyond that, her comment ofc is motivated by the fact that shes not happy with the rewards she is getting and is blaming the polls for it.
Firstly TOP10 are chosen by the judges and even after that 2/3 are judges votes.
This is as fair as it can be while taking community input as well.
Its as near to perfect as it can be.
So we both put value on quality and we took the step to value the community input.
She overplayed her hand severely, due to the support Vibes provided her as she assumed she could put pressure on me after I very nicely said no to her proposal already.
Thats a very bad play. Ill do everything and anything for the Hive community, im the nicest guy you will meet, but if you try stupid shit like this, claim wer harassing people because you want more money, arent happy with trending every week, arent happy with 2 second places with 400 people competing every week because you feel that your videos deserve more... then you will get my response and this is it.
We are all adults, I don't support using curse words, and it's his opinion on the matter of what to call the situation, he didn't name call anyone, and he is frustrated and I can understand it too.
I do agree with his overall stance, and for me gratitude and humility are my key focuses here, that's what it comes down to. I read her entire complaint from top to bottom and have respectfully and cordially replied in depth and detail on any of the topics brought up here to help everyone understand what the focus should be. We are doing this as fair as possible with the amount of entries we are receiving, of course there will always be people who are disappointed and unhappy about the results and express their dislike for certain aspects, that is a given in any competition, especially a rapidly growing one from people all around the world.