Yeah I buy your idea
You got to work hard to merit a thing.
No luck in life.
Hard wirk breeds reasonable results.
Thanks for communicating this
It really interesting chatting with you via this medium
Greetings to your family 😊😊
I See your DP and it tells a lot about how much you love your family.
Happy father's day in arears, didn't get to tell you that on Sunday 🤦🤦😁😁
Yeah exactly, God knows that good hard work is where it is at, we reap what we sow, it is interesting speaking to you too. Thank you
What does DP mean? I definitely love my family alot. I have written lots of songs about them. Thank you for saying happy father's day, I appreciate it
Oh! Sorry about that DP means Display picture (meaning Your profile picture)
Oh okay, yeah thank you, I have to update it to show all three of my children :)