Vibes Web 3 Music Competition Week 9 "Contigo Aprendi" - Armando Manzanero by @mrnaranjo85

in Vibes6 months ago

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Hola amigos de Vibes Web 3. En esta ocasión les traigo un tema titulado "Contigo Aprendí" de Armando Manzanero, donde su origen data de 1991. Manzanero es un cantautor mexicano que por la calidad de las canciones que componía obtuvo gran renombre internacional. Este tema lo popularizó con el intérprete Luis Miguel.


Desde pequeña esta canción siempre me ha gustado, me llamaba la atención en la forma en que Manzanero interpretaba estas líneas con tanta entrega y pasión, aunque para ser sincera no entendía de que trataba la misma.

A medida que fui creciendo tomaron sentido esas letras con esa melodía armoniosa, sin duda es una canción que trata del amor verdadero, de cómo con la persona correcta e indicada se pueden llegar a sentir verdaderas emociones, al punto de convertir semanas con más de siete días.

Irremediablemente cada vez que escucho esas notas me pongo a cantar, no puedo evitar sentirme atraída por sus estrofas, que cautivan mi alma, sin darme cuenta de que a mi alrededor hay personas escuchando, je, je, je, y me sonrojo, pues no soy cantante.


Amigos míos, se la recomiendo, si usted quiere enamorar a su pareja, dedíquela, y digo así porque a las parejas, aunque lleven muchos años, siempre deben alimentar el amor, la pasión, eliminar la rutina y dar a entender que aún queda por qué luchar. Hágalo y verá como da resultado.

Espero que les haya gustado este tema como a mí. Muchas gracias por leer mi post. A continuación la letra de la canción.


Contigo aprendí
Que existen nuevas y mejores emociones
Contigo aprendí
A conocer un mundo nuevo de ilusiones

Que la semana tiene más de siete días
A hacer mayores mis contadas alegrías
Y a ser dichoso, yo contigo lo aprendí

Contigo aprendí
A ver la luz del otro lado de la Luna
Contigo aprendí
Que tu presencia no la cambio por ninguna

Que puede un beso ser más dulce y más profundo
Que puedo irme mañana mismo de este mundo
Las cosas buenas, ya contigo las viví

Y contigo aprendí
Que yo nací el día en que te conocí

Que puede un beso ser más dulce y más profundo
Que puedo irme mañana mismo de este mundo
Las cosas buenas, ya contigo las viví

Y contigo aprendí
Que yo nací el día en que te conocí

Las imágenes usadas en el post son de mi propiedad, textos llevados al inglés por All Keyboard Translator, video editado en la aplicación InShort.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Hello friends of Vibes Web 3. On this occasion I bring you a song titled "Contigo I Learned" by Armando Manzanero, where its origin dates back to 1991. Manzanero is a Mexican singer-songwriter who, due to the quality of the songs he composed, obtained great international renown. He made this song popular with the performer Luis Miguel.

Since I was little I have always liked this song, it caught my attention in the way Manzanero interpreted these lines with so much dedication and passion, although to be honest I didn't understand what it was about.

As I grew older, those lyrics with that harmonious melody made sense, without a doubt it is a song that is about true love, about how with the right and right person you can feel true emotions, to the point of turning weeks into more than seven days.

Irremediably, every time I hear those notes I start singing, I can't help but feel attracted to its verses, which captivate my soul, without realizing that there are people around me listening, heh, heh, heh, and I blush, well no. I am a singer.

My friends, I recommend it to you, if you want to make your partner fall in love with you, dedicate it, and I say that because couples, even if they have been together for many years, must always nourish love, passion, eliminate routine and make it clear that there is still more to do. what to fight Do it and see how it works.

I hope you liked this topic as I did. Thank you very much for reading my post. Below are the lyrics of the song.


I learned with you
That there are new and better emotions
I learned with you
To discover a new world of illusions

I learned
That the week has more than seven days
To make my few joys greater
And to be happy, I learned it with you

I learned with you
Let's see the light on the other side of the Moon
I learned with you
That I do not change your presence for any

I learned
That a kiss can be sweeter and deeper
That I can leave this world tomorrow
The good things, I already lived with you

and with you I learned
That I was born the day I met you

I learned
That a kiss can be sweeter and deeper
That I can leave this world tomorrow
The good things, I already lived with you

and with you I learned
That I was born the day I met you

The images used in the post are my property, texts translated into English by All Keyboard Translator, video edited in the InShort application.

colmena (3).gif

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Que canción más bonita la que escogistes del maestro Manzanero, muy conocida por todos, muchos éxitos en la competencia 🤗

Muchas gracias por pasar por mi post, realmente me gusta mucho este tema, cuando tarareo mi repertorio particular de alguna u otra forma siempre llego a sus notas.

Greetings @mrnaranjo85

This is one of the most beautiful latin song ever, what a beautiful interpretation.

I am going to recommend you something if you allow me, if you can, try to use sunlight to make the image look better.

A fraternal embrace.

It is a beautiful topic. Thank you very much for your comment, I will take his recommendations into account.

Muy linda la canción y también la interpretación que hicistes, un saludo especial para ti y feliz día
Mucha suerte en el concurso. 😘

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo, e igualmente éxitos para tí. 🤗

Hello. beautiful singing again. However, You have entered into the VIBES Competition two times now, the first entry of yours was already posted with your other account @mariolisrnaranjo.

please only one entry per person, so that the rewards can be spread around to everyone participating, it is only fair. Thank you.

Hello dear friend @verbal-d sorry to answer but apparently you are confused, @mrnaranjo85 is not the account of the same user as @mariolisrnaranjo. They are simply both sisters, hence the similar last name and user. It is one of my wife @mariolisrnaranjo and my sister-in-law @mrnaranjo85 both different people. You can check it in their profiles by reading their introductions to the Hive community. Both were joined to the blockchain by my mentorship that I am the one who leads the hive community in Pinar del Rio in the westernmost of the provinces in Cuba. Greetings 👋🏻.

Oh my mistake, my apologies, yes, indeed I was confused for a moment, because they both are such wonderful singers and have similar beautiful faces and matching beautiful voices, they look so much alike. They are sisters indeed. God bless you all. I have accepted her entry and her sister's entry as well. No problems, thank you for the explanation. Greetings.

No problem at all my friend, it is normal to always watch out for order 🫡, thank you for your good work ☺️.

You're welcome, thank you for the clarification and explanation.

Good evening @verbal-d, I realized that there was a slight confusion, thanks to @eduardo900613 it has been clarified, @mariolisrnaranjo is my younger sister.

Thank you very much for visiting my post and accepting my entry in the Vibes Web 3 contest, as well as for the great support you have given me, have a happy night. Greetings.

Yes, good morning, there was a bit of confusion, but it's all been cleared up. You two are both wonderful singers with faces to match, looking forward to more of your entries from you both. You are very welcome, take care, God bless

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Hermosa canción y hermosa interpretación. Muchas gracias por regalarnos esa joya de la música

Muchas gracias por visitar mi post, me alaga mucho que le haya gustado mi interpretación. Saludos y buenas noches.

Me encantó

This is great. Well done, I really like this.

Thank you very much for reading my post and for your support.

Hermosa canción amiga te felicito por compartir tan bello trabajo. Éxitos y bendiciones.😘🙏🏼✨

Muchas gracias, me alegro mucho que le haya gustado. Ha sido un placer para mi poder interpretar este tema.

This is wonderful

Thank you very much for reading my post and for your support.

Linda canción, te felicito por la selección. Saludos

Muchas gracias por escuchar mi participación y por el apoyo brindado. Saludos y bonita noche.

Bello tema nos hace recordar momentos vividos mueve en lo más profundo de nuestro ser sentimientos por pasajes de nuestras vidas

Asi mismo es, nos da un viaje en lo que ha sido nuestras vidas. Gracias por leer el post.