Error mistake sorry

in Vibes24 days ago (edited)

Sorry Sorry Hello, sorry for the mistake I did not put beneficiary and in this platform there is no possibility of deleting publications, so I see myself in this case in writing this post to ignore this publication.

I am learning how to use this platform


O wow 🤗 this is incredibly sweet to listen to. Every line of melody of the violin and cuatro is so soothing. I love your presentation, I'm glad I came around 😊.

Verlos nuevamente me llena de mucha alegría, chicos. ¡Les quedó genial! Éxitos en este concurso. Y que Dios los bendiga en todo momento. Un abrazo.

Coyee que linda interpretación de este clásico, tiene bastante aire colonial y de antaños. Les deseo mucha suerte muchachos, que genial que se animaron! Adelanteee 🙏🎶🎶

Hello @nestorvc01

Such Beautiful interpretation....
I enjoyed listening to your entry.

Much love