Vibes Web3 Music competition Week 28 //Title song (why was the unfaithful crying

in Vibeslast month (edited)

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Anyway, today which I am sharing this song is come to saddest song. In this song lover share their experience when he fall in love with a beautiful lady. He sacrifice their whole body and also wealth to her lover. But she does not give time enough with him.
After few days he died then she come to their grave and now she miss deeply and think she lost true lover friend because other do her fake love. Now she come to their life but he has gone to eternal life. This type of true stories are available in every society. Many lovers play the lives of innocent people and after getting purpose lift them forever. That is not good thing. My experience is that we should keep them in our life and mind forever.Greetings to everybody of beautiful Vibes community musician lover friends. I hope all especially @lordbutterfly and @verbald will be fine and enjoying good health and have a nice day. I think this Vibes community has become most popular due to these three greatest hive users. May they live long and forever be happy and healthy. This is my entry for Vebes Web3 music competition Week 28. My user name is @riaz1122. Welcome to everyone friends to my video song. Today I sang a song doing to sing my best. To singing and listening songs have become greatest and amazing hobby. Everyone sing songs to express their feelings and emotions. Some feelings we couldn't keep in our mind and heart so longer. When we don't share to other our mind feel great sadness. When we share feelings to other then we free internally.

Song lyrics in Urdu language

زندگی میں مجھ سے ملنے وہ کبھی آیا نہ تھا
آج کیوں میری قبر پہ رو رہا تھا بے وفا
آنکھ اس کی اب کھلی ہے جب یہ دنیا چھوڑ دی
کتنے دن تھا وہ کہاں کیا سو رہا تھا بے وفا
اس نے مجھ کو غم دیے غم نے میری جان لی
خود کو قاتل مانتا ہے اس لیے تو آج وہ
آنسوٶں سے جرم اپنے دھو رہا تھا بے وفا
زندگی میں مجھ سے ملنے وہ کبھی آیا نہ تھا
آج کیوں میری قبر پہ رو رہا تھا بے وفا
آنکھ اس کی اب کھلی ہے جب یہ دنیا چھوڑ دی
کتنے دن تھا وہ کہاں کیا سو رہا تھا بے وفا
میری سانسیں زندگی اور موت کے تھیں درمیان
میری حالت دیکھ کر سب نے کہا مرجاۓ گا
رو پڑے دشمن مگر سو رہا تھا بے وفا
زندگی میں مجھ سے ملنے وہ کبھی آیا نہ تھا
آج کیوں میری قبر پہ رو رہا تھا بے وفا
آنکھ اس کی اب کھلی ہے جب یہ دنیا چھوڑ دی
کتنے دن تھا وہ کہاں کیا سو رہا تھا بے وفا

Song lyrics in English language

He never came to meet me in his life
Why was the unfaithful one crying at my grave today?
His eyes are now open when he left this world How many days, where was he sleeping, unfaithful?
He gave me grief, grief took my life
He considers himself a murderer, that's why he is today
He was washing his guilt with tears, unfaithful
He never came to meet me in his life
Why was the unfaithful one crying at my grave today?
His eyes are now open when he lift this world
How many days, where was he sleeping, unfaithful?
My breath was between life and death
Seeing my condition, everyone said that I will die
The enemy cried, but the unfaithful was sleeping
He never came to meet me in his life
Why was the unfaithful one crying at my grave today?
His eyes are now open when he lift this world
How many days, where was he sleeping, unfaithful?
Thanks all musician friends. I hope you will like it. I do my best to present this song very well to you and this vibes community and I told my experience related about this song. Thanks and see you next time be happy. Uploaded using 3Speak Mobile App

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Here is my promotional video on YouTube


I had to read the lyrics of this song, it's nice.

Thank you so much for appreciating my song lyrics. Of course this song nice

It's my pleasure.

Thanks May you live long

Amen and you too.