Ok debo admitir que esta idea esta increíble, me quito el sombrero de nuevo con el creador de este concurso ( @lordbutterfly ) , su creatividad, eficacia, energía por querer hacer las cosas y buens vibra es increíble! Para esta semana estoy super contento de este tema ya que nos dió la oportunidad de conocer un poco más de este gran artista Sam Feldt!
Tras escuchar todos sus temas decidí escoger este, titulado Post Malone, un nombre bien interesante y una canción con excelentes vibras, es por eso que no dudé en que esta sea la canción que usaría para mi participación de esta semana 14. De nuevo tocando en mi Vibes, Vibrafono, dándole esta sonoridad diferente!
Espero está participación sea del agrado de todos y nos veremos en la siguiente semana!
Acá el link de x:
Thanks! Gracias por llegar hasta acá!
▶️ 3Speak
This is so beautiful 🤩🤩
Thank you so much!!!😍
This is unique and I enjoyed every bit of it.
That's for sharing your amazing talent with us.
I've listened to a lot of cover of it and it already seems like this is the trending song, but so far yours is the best I have listened to.
Well done.🎉🎉🎉❤️🌺❤️🌺
Woww thank you soo much for this beautiful comment! I really appreciate it!
Hahaha amazing that the song is trending! I chose it with out noticing that, but now you said it, i checked and it really seems to be the most chosen😂 is so cool!
You played the vibraphone with a lot of passion, skill and talent
This was one of your best performances ever I believe
You pushed yourself to give a great entry and there was so much
Positive energy and great vibes in this one
You always play with a high level of enjoyment and makes the
Listening and viewing experience that much more
Keep up the great music making and looking forward to your next entry
-@Verbal-D: Gospel Musician/Rapper/Singer/Songwriter & Official Vibes Judge