Good, but
Here's the truth (without sugar coating):
You can do better, you didn't put much effort on editing.
This post: not that bad, but didn't deserve to rank on trending
😶 It's the truth without any sugar-coating. Hope you will do better from next time. I know my words are not sweat but it's truth.
There are so many variables that make people's posts land on the trending page, a post with just two flowers can land on the trending page. It's okay for you to question her editing skills but don't say her post didn't deserve to be on the ranking page. Besides she is a new user, this is literally her first post on Hive.By what standard? @shisuipark
People come to Hive with little or no knowledge of how to navigate the system but they learn over time.
Go, Tammy! Some people just want to troll
I'm not trolling anyone bro, just giving the honest feedback without sugar-coating.
Daily new user come to this platform and Starts their journey, many of them never get more than 10 Upvotes. I guess she is lucky.
"There are so many variables that make people's posts land on the trending page": I want to know more about these variables (please tell me).
She received support from our whale accounts from the Vibes contest, and her entry was awesome no accident there is no luck involved, luck doesn’t exist, this is just pure support
You're not wrong (completely), but
Sir there's many new Creator or user, who create very helpful & good content (also in the Vibes community), why they never get that support.
I think; at the end of the day I don't know much about hive.
Thank you sir, for explaining a little bit
I'm only allowed to upvote and curate and judge valid vibes entries with our whale accounts, nothing more unfortunately, and music is preference based but also judgeable by skill, originality, performance, presentation, meaning, energy, intention, tonality and other factors
Wisely spoken! We should always be encouraging newcomers to bring their talents and skills to share here. Critiques have a place as well, but not discouragement and truly, the competition is for music, not editing.
I wonder what you mean by editing. The lady has talent, sings excellently and does it with joy. If you were talking about her video, she did a fine job with it, especially being new. Was she supposed to ask you for your video editing before publishing? You know the answer. Please be a little nicer or come sing better than she can.
What you said is no truth but unkindness.
Her singing is not bad, and I like it too. And everything I said is my feedback, I think this person can do more better (after listening to her song). All of this is my feedback, don't take it in the wrong way 👍
Hey there @shisuipark, thank you for your feedback. Aside from my editing, please let me know what other reasons make my entry unqualified for support. I thought there was no need for editing since it was a live video and I sang on the spot. I didn't realize I needed to edit that. I appreciate your honesty and I look forward to hearing the criteria you think my videos should meet to be qualified. I will work on meeting those criteria. Thank you.
I'm not saying your entry is unqualified or anything like that, it's actually very good. I'm just saying that you can do more better (I'm saying it after listening to your singing multiple times).
You actually did a great job, sorry if my words hurt you.
here's some feedback: focus on camera angles little bit, and focus on your background, it looks like you're in a studio or something (it's great), use lights - try to create the vibe and sing from your heart (which you're already doing).
Looking forward to your next post 👍