Official Cut Off Time Post For VIBES Week 14 Entries CEST 10 AM JUNE 29th 2024 (This Post Includes Entry Guidelines For New Participants)

in Vibes8 months ago (edited)

Vibes Entries' cut off Time 10 cest today_20240629_102146_0001.png

Any further entries posted beyond this post will not be considered for the top 6 Winning Prize Rewards. Please remember to get your entries on time within the allotted time slots for each VIBES Week and Remember to...

1) Double check the quality of your video entry, and PLEASE REMEMBER, ONLY ONE ENTRY Per Participant/Contestant/Person Per Each Vibes Week, unless it is a legitimate Collaboration, for example @username1A enters once by themselves Solo and then, @username1A enters again with a friend or family member on that other person’s account in Collaboration for a different song performance, which counts towards @username2B’s account. (Although abuse of this will gray area rule, Or multiple entries posted within a single Vibes Week will result in either very reduced Post Reward Upvotes, no support at all, or at the very extreme, disqualification from all future Vibes Competition Weeks)

2) That you didn't forget the very important Intro stating the actual current Vibes Week number loud and clearly enough, and your Intro is the same recording as your actual entry with preferably no cuts (keep your intros effectively short) and you didn’t just edit in a new intro into an old video (which is against the rules).

3) That your video actually plays, and plays with Sound with at least 2 minutes of play/performance time with music, and that the Sound matches the Visuals in real time perfectly...( avoid latency, lagging sounds or bad editing when matching up vocals to visuals, which is why live performance is the best and preferred to avoid these issues)
Some entries have singing before their mouths are actually open and moving, or instruments played without any hand movements, etc...

4) That the sound quality is good, no distortions or high frequency feedback noise (listen to your own entry with headphones before you post it, get a second or third opinion from someone non biased who will tell you the truth if it's good enough to post or not)
Also, make sure that if you are using a wired or wireless microphone that's attached to your t-shirt or other clothing item, that the microphone is not picking up all the sounds of ruffled movements from your body language and you moving around the mic as you perform.

5) That you performed live and we can visually see your face with decent lighting (if you're playing an instrument, please show your face, hands and instrument) Unfortunately some people pretend and fake their playing...

6) That you recorded in a relatively quiet place without wind or distracting loud noises

7) That your backing track instrumental is loud enough for us to hear it, but low enough that it doesn't overpower or block out your singing/rapping voice and or the instrument you are playing

8) Provide lyrics for your listeners whether it is a Cover or an Original and especially if it is in another language, also, translations are a nice consideration too for the community to enjoy

9) Remember that this is a competition with opportunities and prizes and hundreds of participants involved and that you should always give it your very best effort, continue to improve, experiment, grow and not give up

10) That you performed with Passion and No Fear, and didn't hold back anything

11) That this is a welcoming, caring music community to connect with others, collaborate, and to have fun! And while you're having fun, don't forget to tell other talented musician family members and friends to join.


Community Voting Poll will begin soon, us Judges are preparing the Top 10 list now. Thank you for your support, participation, respect for the guidelines and understanding.

@Verbal-D Gospel Musician/Rapper/Singer/Songwriter & Official Vibes Judge


Thank you for once again highlighting the rules in detail for everyone. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thank you very much I appreciate it, the rules help everyone all around to improve the quality of the competition.

You are right. I am also encouraging myself to participate in this contest and these rules and all your tips will surely help me as well. :)

I want to see this for sure. 💪🏻

The rules are well understood.
Thanks 👍

You are very welcome. Thank you for acknowledging and reading them.

Thanks for enlightened us I really appreciate.

You're very welcome, hope it helps you

Yes its really helps me

Excellent I understand very well each one of the rules, thank you very much I love it

You are very welcome, looking forward to the improvements

important note: i am not fluent in english. i am studying but my spirits are still sky high.

No worries, your english doesnt need to be fluent at all, we have had winners who sung in spanish and other langauges, but you only need to be fluent in the language of music, and all that music entails with what makes music pleasant to listen to.

Rules are good and necesary, i talk by myself about quit the entries untill i can find how record better because is a waste of time keep tryn with this really bad Quality.
And save ur team time of checking bad vibes post for sure, i seen many bad entries and its a little disrespectful with the community.

  • anyway, if u can support any of the content of me (graffiti/skate/rap) I would be very grateful.

Thanks sir @verbal-d

Yes rules are great to have, don't quit, that's the biggest mistake an artist who is still growing in their creative expression can do. Keep entering and just learn to rap much louder than what you have been doing. A great rapper can be loudly vocal and still keep good rhythm and flow, your entries are too quiet not necessarily because of only your recording and speaker equipment, but a lot of it depends on your actual vocal delivery and performance which you need to work on, giving much more energy and passion in your performances like I do. I Rap like my life depends on it, if you have a softer smoother rap delivery style, you still need to convey and communicate the right level of volume, energy and use smooth transitions throughout.

I can only support Vibes music entries from my side with the whale accounts we have, nothing else, only valid competition entries.
My own personal account vote is only worth 1 penny at the moment lol

My apologies I had problems with electricity in my region, this is my entry.
Instantánea 1 (29-6-2024 2-39 p. m.).png

Glad you could still make your entry finally, hope your power stays on

What a great publication my friend. Since you make it clear how things should be done and thus have quality publications.

Thank you very much, that is indeed the goal I have for our community and this competition

Thank for guiding every point 🌷

You are very welcome

Nice one.. thank you.. I think I've noted the things to add to my next entry.

You are welcome, I hope it helps you, that is what it is meant for for everyone's growth, skill, presentation, performance and artistry

Definitely.. this is very helpful.. thanks again. We grow through learning.

It's good I finally saw this post. I saw something you added that I have taken note of. These rules are helpful and I hope other participants will see them and correct their mistakes moving forward.

Thanks so much, Verbal D for your efforts and guidance. You are doing so much for us.

Noted sir, I will always apply this rules whenever am making a video
