You are very welcome, just aiming to smoothen the entry and judging process, and yes please provide lyrics in your post,
it is not a copyright issue when you state in your title and in your post that you are clearly doing a cover song, nobody has received copyright flags for cover songs on the hive blockchain for a cover entry into a music competition, there is no issue there.
I understand.
The thing is dreemport would flag it as that, unless I only add a few lines of the song.
But then, I can just skip submitting the cover blog post on dreemport.
The point from the guidelines have been noted.
I don't know what dreemport is
I'm not speaking from any third party posting mediums
Just from posting lyrics on a post on the Hive Blockchain through the main posting platforms, plus
Alright. Thanks again.
I will make sure to include the lyrics in subsequent posts.
You are very welcome. I'm looking forward to them.