in Vibes6 months ago (edited)




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And Remember, it is best of "SKILL". It is based on your musical ability. To be a Vibes Winner, Luck is never involved.

>Does your entry follow the rules of the competition by actually mentioning the current Vibes Week number???? The quality, presentation and the meaning of the music takes priority in the judging factor.

It is also important to mention that we try and spread the VIBES love and recognition and rewards around, so we also see WHO has already won, how many times they have won, WHAT places have they won already, and if there are new faces who need encouragement for their talents, or if there are consistent old participants who have not yet won yet.

We also look at who is BOTH musically talented and also a big supporter and role model member in our Vibes Web3 Music Community, so this also means if you have been onboarding quality musicians and also giving real (non-spammy) direct and personal uplifting and encouraging comments in the comments section to other participants, we see and notice it all...

It is ALL relative to our competition and our music community and we do this as fair as possible.
Changes and Updates and Suggestions to this post will be made accordingly and overtime.... I hope this helps you all...

Official Vibes Judge @Verbal-D


Wow! This is different, Verbal D. First, I love the mix of colours especially the first two images with the criteria or maybe it's because they have something to do with my favourite colour.

I agree with the criteria you have listed to guide us in our journey throughout the Vibes competition and beyond because it doesn't end on Hive. Lordbutterfly did not make a mistake when he made you one of the Judges and you are the perfect one with Marica to lead us and judge our musical performance, this is not about the rewards, it goes beyond that (unfortunately only a few know this).

"No Up The Nose Angle", keeps making me laugh.

You have given us a package to hold onto and apply in our musical skills, it's the best of skills and never luck. This is highly helpful.

You and Marica know how best to pass a fair judgment and spread the love across all entries. I'm glad you are our judges.

Thanks so much for putting this together @verbal-d. It's truly a gift beyond the walls of the Vibes community and the Hive blockchain.

You’re very welcome, I am glad it can help everyone that it can.

Thank you for your big words of kindness and I am blessed that I was chosen to be a judge for this contest and help improve it where I can. Cohosting and cojudging with both marica and lordbutterfly has been a great opportunity to grow and expand in music and I am forever grateful.

Yes, Vibes is rewards in a multitude of ways and I have to continue to mention the No Up The Nose angles because people continue to record that way and I don’t understand how they don’t see how clear and in your face it is.

Someone should make a video on Entry Etiquette lol

You're most welcome Verbal D.

That's true, the rewards from Vibes are in different ways. Lol, again.

Hmmm... maybe I should look into making a video on "Entry Etiquette", and show them how close the nose looks in our faces, lol. The truth is, even if I make the video or someone else does, the people who are meant to see it may not even view it which makes them repeat the "Up The Nose" angle entry video.

I wish this post was made a long time ago because I'm beginning to see my errors all this while.

Thanks @verbal-d for such an enlightenment, I hope to make my entries better than ever. I feel a reblog of this post should be useful for everyone who's viewed it, @everyone.

Yeah Thank you I am glad to finally drop something of helpeful value to you all and help improve the quality of the entries week in and week out

Appreciate you taking note of this and reblogging it
I will be updating these criteria over time

Criterias noted!...

So many entries this week and it has been another amazing free theme week so far..

I wish everyone including myself the absolute best of skill throughout the week and more weeks to come!!..
Good vibes!

Thank you very much. I look forward to see how it all plays out in the future weeks. Best of skill always.

Duly noted Sir @verbal-d

We'd work on meeting all these criteria. Thanks for sharing sir.

You are very welcome, thanks for checking them out

Thank you so much for this notification and encouragement God bless you Sir.
We are still coming up and still learning from those who are ahead of us we pray one day God will see us through.@verbal-d .

You are very welcome, and the learning never stops. God bless you too

Thank you so much sir 🙏

@verbal-d Thanks for the tips ❤️🙌🏽. I'll definitely keep taking them into account and try to always deliver good entries... If it's God's will then one day i'll make one good enough to be a winning entry.

However i've barely been getting upvotes on my entries in the last months even with my attempts at better audio quality in a studio... I've been wondering if i've done something wrong. I'm sorry if I have 😭

Hello @stefanovah. I hope you are good.

It's good and appropriate to seek growth and with the criteria Verbal D has listed, I believe it will help everyone who finds this blog post and reads every line.

I'm moved to advise you to look and concentrate more on becoming a good singer and music performer and focus less on the rewards so that you don't miss what Vibes offers us, it's beyond the rewards honestly, if you look deep you may understand better.

If you say you have barely gotten upvotes, do you mean you earned less than $2, $5, $10, $20, $30 or $50? I haven't checked your previous entries to know your earnings so far. As long as you have upvotes, kindly receive them and if you expected more, take it as an avenue to do better, but honestly, the upvotes don't give us the feedback we desire from our judges.

If we all focus on the rewards, we won't pay attention to where we need to improve as singers and music performers. Try having fun singing, publishing your entries and connecting with other community members.

I hope you receive my message well, it's genuine. God bless you.🙏

Have a lovely weekend.

🫡 God given

God guided 🫡

Thanks for this detailed information Verbal-D.

You’re always welcome jessica
Thanks for your support

Great, thank you very much for all the recommendations, I think it's excellent 🙏🏼✨🌸

You are very welcome, I still have to make some minor adjustments to some statements but I am so glad everyone receives it well, appreciate you

Thanks for this information. It will help guild members that have not win before 🥰✅

You’re very welcome, it certainly aims to help others be on that path to win, yes

Yay 😀 yay🥰 yay 😃

Thank you so much @verbal-d for clarifying and sending us this valuable information, greetings

You are very welcome, and anytime, I am glad to share this with you all

Thank you very much @ verba -d @verbal-d for such valuable information, I hope to be able to meet the requirements and improve each presentation.Greetings💯

You are very welcome @daimusic95, I have no doubts about you and your abilities to meet the requirements and improve. I enjoy your singing very much

Thank you 💯 😊💯

Yes, excellent!
We will take everything into account with God's help. Thank you @verbal-d for clarifying that for us. 🫂

You are very welcome, so glad this helps you. Looking forward to your future entries. God bless you

Thank you so much for the guide, I will make sure to do proper adjustments to my songs

You are very welcome, I am looking forward to your proper adjustments with delight

This is so helpful and we are grateful ...Thank You Sir

I am glad it help. You are very welcome

I wish someday I will being part of the winners section, someday

Yeah I know this, please keep growing and improving on your rhythm, technique and performance levels. Try practicing with a metronome if that helps you with rhythm.

Oki Doki I Will do that
Thank you very much and I will keep that in mind. Although a lot of my original music if based on atonal ethnic and ancient rhythms then it is impossible to use metronome there. I use it when I do covers of more commercial songs.

These criteria are great because they broaden the perspective of what is expected. I hope to continue raising the level of my instrument, I am already working on something good.

Yes I agree with you thank you very much. It grants a wider perspective to various things that are considered or what perhaps may be overlooked by the performers themselves.

I just seen your entry and it was very enjoyable. I will drop a comment on it once I catch up on all the comments I have yet to reply to.

Gracias por estas recomendaciones amigo @verbal-d

You are very welcome. God bless you

Greetings @verbal-d

To me this is a very important and necessary article, I love this phrase:

"To be a Vibes Winner, Luck is never involved."

A fraternal embrace.

Greetings greetings,
Thank you for pointing that out, someone who embodies a high level of skill is you my friend, the way you play guitar is top notch. Keep the music alive and God bless you

Nothing caught my attention than when you remind us that luck isn't a criteria to win

You can't do or present a shabby video and you think luck will get you to the top 10 list
It doesn't work that way

Haha exactly @godaddict, this is overall a music competition and there are so many factors to consider when picking a winning entry.

Skill, creativity, and execution aka (delivery/performance) are some of the heaviest deciding factors

Thanks a lot @Verbal-D. You’ve always been helpful 😎. Though I’ve not not been consistent on here for a while now 🥹😬😬, had a lot to deal with lately. But I’m back. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.