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RE: At Last | 3 Minutes of Jazz-Blues for Vibes Web3 Music Competition -Week 21 || cover

in Vibes5 months ago (edited)

Dang!!!! You're reeeaaaalllllyyyyyyy good!!! This was jazzy...
Edit: I would love to hear you do how deep is your love someday... It's originally by Beegees... But there's an interesting version that's jazzy by Yebba and PJ Morton...


Haha thanks.
Yebba, I've been listening to her of recent, that lady is very talented.
I will listen to this one you mentioned see if it's something I can do. ❤️❤️

You can definitely do it!!!! I'll like to see you riff and run on that song too...

It's possible with practice for sure hehe

Spoken like a true musician!!! <3 <3<3