"Amigos para siempre"(Friends for life) cover by @yaremiverde1,Vibes Web 3 music competition week 20

in Vibes6 months ago

Hola amigos de la comunidad @Vibes,que bueno estar una vez más con ustedes,dicen que no es tarde si la dicha es buena, así que aquí les dejo mi entrada de la semana 20, ésta vez con " Amigos para Siempre "(Friends for life) del británico Andrew Lloyd Webber, canción escrita para los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona de 1992,interpretada por Sarah Brightman y José Carreras, aquí les dejo este cover en español, saludos para todos

Hello friends of the community @Vibes, good to be with you once again, they say that it is not late if happiness is good, so here is my entry of the 20th week, this time with "Friends for life" (Friends for life) by Andrew Lloyd Webber, song written for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, performed by Sarah Brightman and José Carreras, here I leave this cover in Spanish, greetings to all.

"Amigos para siempre"

Yo,yo necesito conversar
Pero adivino que ya sabes cómo soy
Tu me has conocido siempre

Tu cuando me miras puedes ver
Dentro de mi lo que ni yo puedo entender
Tu me has conocido siempre

Amigos para siempre nuestro canto quedará
Solo teniéndote a mi lado soy feliz
En cualquier parte donde estés podrás oír Amigos para siempre
En nuestras vidas reinará felicidad
Así llegamos al final de esta ocasión
Con el placer de aquí reunirnos para ser
Amigos para siempre

Ven nos queda tanto por vivir
Buenos momentos que podamos compartir tu me has conocido siempre

Lo que algún día sentirás, pero también se que jamás olvidarás la amistad que nos ha unido

Amigos para siempre.....

Friends for life

I, I need to talk
But I guess you know what I'm like
You've always known me

When you look at me you can see
Inside me what even I can't understand
You have always known me

Friends forever our song will remain
Just having you by my side makes me happy
Wherever you are you'll be able to hear Friends Forever
Happiness will reign in our lives
And so we come to the end of this occasion
With the pleasure of meeting here to be
Friends forever

Come we have so much to live for
Good times we can share You've known me always

What someday you will feel, but I also know that you will never forget the friendship that has united us.

Friends forever.....


For your future entries, try and reduce the feedback on the recordings when singing louder and higher. You sing so well but the microphone on your phone cannot handle your amazing performances and then you get sound distortion on your singing and it hurts the musical experience and quality of your entry. You are doing great things. Looking forward to your next entry already.Another graceful and highly pristine entry from the highly acclaimed @yaremiverde1. Your singing is captivating, operatic, and cinematic with climactic and profound musical moments. You inspire so many with your presence and participation. Please don’t stop singing and sharing your gifts of music.

Thank you very much for your compliments, I will take into account all the comments you make, thank you for helping us and create

You are very very welcome @yaremiverde1. We appreciate you

Muchas gracias

Además de hermosa tienes una voz de ángel, te deseo mucha suerte

Muchísimas gracias 🙏

Perfect vocals and emotion ma'am. You soprano voice shines beautifully.
Lovely entry.

Thank you thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏,I like opera very much, thank you for your comment, blessings.

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Bello 😍 💯