Hello friends of $SIM, Friends of $HIVE and all others,
here are the:
SIM Statistics for the last week:
The timeframe is from 2021/10/29 - 2021/11/05.
Bought $SIM By Time
This figure shows who has bought how many $SIM at which time:
Top $SIM Buyers and $HIVE Sellers
The inside of the circle shows the buyers of $SIM, ordered by $HIVE they have spent. The outside shows the recipients of that $HIVE (sellers of $SIM):
Commulated Amount Of Bought $SIM Per Person
This figure shows the top 10 $SIM buyers, how much they got and how much $HIVE they spend for this. It is sorted by $HIVE, that was spent:
Table Of Top 20 $SIM Buyers
This table shows the top ten buyers of $SIM sorted by the $HIVE, they have spent:
buyer.keyword: Descending | Sold $HIVE | Bought $SIM | Avg. Price |
@pi-trader | 3048.157348492655 | 3030387.467532533 | 0.0010061718572519328 |
@konvik | 1440.758389923567 | 1359013.3688398441 | 0.001054808518987287 |
@thegoliath | 995.4486218418508 | 916900.0002520048 | 0.0010787319324369873 |
@d-pend | 727.9990057781256 | 699999.9969909061 | 0.0010473599843680858 |
@boycharliefamily | 399.3226895998723 | 362980.8546717989 | 0.0010864349897019565 |
@svirus | 332.07344363389757 | 313917.0311464843 | 0.0010472249887243379 |
@jelly-cz | 303.41869419445726 | 317335.98232324223 | 0.0009562520077452064 |
@kennysgaminglife | 208.3476749083493 | 194250.16523718834 | 0.001075712830892631 |
@dkid14 | 141.13374472259306 | 129868.14368315134 | 0.0010863061962199621 |
@pimpstudio | 138.8657821416855 | 139227.8994140625 | 0.0010016883121958624 |
@dswap | 127.10066305812552 | 117089.6089101563 | 0.001082613061253841 |
@football-stats | 122.4000015258789 | 120000.00390625 | 0.001019999966956675 |
@aleczazam | 116.96292638778687 | 108300 | 0.0010799166435996692 |
@sheinthu | 114.51800075158553 | 102152.73665673833 | 0.0011256887000459044 |
@steemstreems | 108.99999995618464 | 99924.31133495166 | 0.001090155984275043 |
@reseller | 108.55399992215825 | 98999.99911852926 | 0.001101664985374858 |
@seeyouinlumb | 102.84456872940063 | 102844 | 0.0010001000482589006 |
@jelly13 | 87.05577087402344 | 92611.5390625 | 0.0009400100097991526 |
@jwjqu.wam | 80.1130734837152 | 74089.00700000022 | 0.0010866716814537842 |
@sbi-tokens | 48.55070114135742 | 48070 | 0.0010100000072270632 |
@other | 436.1004890810867 | 411409.25336263084 | 0.0010498984016857709 |
Commulated Amount Of Sold $SIM Per Person
This figure shows the top 10 $SIM Sellers, how much they sold and how much $HIVE they got for this, sorted by $HIVE:
Table Of Top 20 $SIM Sellers
This table shows the top ten sellers of $SIM Sorted by the $HIVE, they have got:
seller.keyword: Descending | Earned $HIVE | Sold $SIM | Avg. Price |
@pi-trader | 804.9342604378764 | 723470.7223826905 | 0.0011098745105532454 |
@upali | 703.4866041988134 | 650643.203125 | 0.0010817999951541423 |
@svirus | 598.692870575469 | 547939.2723827362 | 0.0011028018145059998 |
@scity | 543.3231803774834 | 505214.916015625 | 0.0010758131102193147 |
@thegoliath | 448.70032078027725 | 443419.3729248047 | 0.0010101085645146668 |
@imperij4427 | 403.9762330055237 | 397079.453125 | 0.0010134049807675183 |
@podim | 375.1912267659791 | 346435 | 0.0010819199960678816 |
@konvik | 365.60540835135726 | 341496.5306953117 | 0.0010847733356058598 |
@pouchon | 309.0009994506836 | 300000 | 0.0010300050198566169 |
@drew0 | 307.655405331403 | 305824.3013896942 | 0.0010231337510049343 |
@willsaldeno | 298.0695068836212 | 289068.671875 | 0.0010260789887979627 |
@jelly-cz | 239.78151322423946 | 225347.7939453125 | 0.0010772177742587195 |
@jrcornel | 205.8464391231537 | 202067 | 0.001015201101027843 |
@sbi-tokens | 181.95986938476562 | 168481.3603515625 | 0.00107999995816499 |
@scriptioner | 159.7008934020996 | 169810.92578125 | 0.0009406733443029225 |
@mary.janikowski | 158.20118045806885 | 151120.27685546875 | 0.0010328600016821707 |
@eythorphoto | 143.86609195172787 | 139804.3076171875 | 0.001024017038563376 |
@velourex | 138.18355178833008 | 145418.4833984375 | 0.0009502475149929523 |
@sallhiddles | 127.92307186126709 | 120683.28247070312 | 0.001059990026988089 |
@football-stats | 115.20050032623112 | 119999.99755859375 | 0.0009600024786777794 |
@other | 2559.426462469986 | 2546046.4975485946 | 0.0010219626847072936 |
Price of the $SIM
This figure shows the price of $SIM for the last period:
$SIM Summarize Metrics
This table shows how much $HIVE was given by buy-requests, that where equal or higher than the sell order vs. sell-requests, that were equal or lower than the buy order.
If the buy-requests where higher than the sell-requests, then money comes into the system and the value of the token increases.
Under the total line one can see the sum of $HIVE and sum of $SIM that changed the ownership and the average price of $SIM for the last period.
The average price of the token in the picture is wrong, actually it was: 0.001 $HIVE/$SIM
Comparison With Other Tokens
This figure shows the value of $HIVE compared to some token for the last period. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.
This figure shows the value of $USD compared to some token for the last period. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.
Table Of Token Prices in $HIVE and $USD
This table shows the average value of the prices of the token for the last period. One can see Hive and the US-Dollar compared to the token.
All stats are without warranty.
They are taken from:
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "find", "params": { "contract": "market", "table": "tradesHistory", "query": { "symbol": "SIM"}, "limit":1000, "offset": 0 }, "id": 1 }' 'https://api.hive-engine.com/rpc/contracts'
I have put them into logfiles and uploaded them to Kibana, from which I took the screenshots.
If you find errors, please tell me!
If you want me to continue the stats, give me some good upvotes ;-)
If you want to see other statistics (even from totaly other data), please contact me. I can create them weekly or monthly if I get some rewards for it.
For more details see here: How I Have Set Up Elasticsearch And Kibana On My Raspberry Pi To Monitor Token Activities and here: Do You Want To See Statistics Of Your Favorite HIVE Token? or on github.
Here are the stats from the other tokens I observe: https://peakd.com/@achimmertens/posts?filter=stats
Regards, Achim Mertens
Impressive data friend @achimmertens!