Before I begin writing about this post I have to admit I'm a bit ashamed I haven't stumbled upon it earlier, not that I feel like I've missed out on a lot, the game is after all still in alpha, but damn does it seem like a good one in the making. The special thing about this game is that it's not your typical crypto game you might be thinking about, in terms of drugwars, dcity and other browser based games such as Skyweaver, but it also overrides the quality of Gods Unchained in terms of graphics.
It uses the Unreal 4 engine which already in the alpha makes it look absolutely gorgeous, here are some screenshots from the game at insane settings. Keep in mind these images are a bit small in size as I used Steam to capture them cause GeForce wasn't able to as it doesn't recognize the game yet I assume.
Only thing missing in the screenshots is the first person shooter part, for that you can check the video I'll include below of gameplay I recorded at 1440p60fps of FPS gameplay and later on miserably failing at mining and getting rekt by AI ships (I've gotten better since then, I'll prove that in another video :P)
The game uses the Ethereum blockchain (I know) but I think the timing could work well for ETH 2.0 and this game to hit beta and possibly full release. The team is relatively small and the game has been in production since 2018 but already very impressive for a .2.5 alpha release.
They recently had a ship sale and that's how I stumbled upon it as I saw a few ships on and at first I thought it was ships for another Space MMO I've been trying out lately (might post about it at some point as well) but I was positively surprised that it was about another game or else who knows when I would've found out about it and I'm glad I did now.
Upon reading about the game a bit you'll find out that they want to turn it into a full pledged MMORPG in the next 5 years but they also want to focus on each part of the game modes and releases so in case things don't pull through for their full plans the games can still standalone and not disappoint anyone. Right now you can play some FPS PvE, meaning you'll just fight against other bots and earn some DFT's (their ingame token - just a central point system for now I believe but will definitely turn into a real token at some point) and you can also go out into space and mine resources but it's really not easy as you'll quickly get 2-3 enemy ships on you.
What more is there to say about this game that the gameplay footage won't, I'll be talking a bit through it as well if you want to check it out and if you're interested in even more info I'll leave some links at the bottom of the post!
You can also create corporations - sort of like guilds, so maybe it's something we could consider creating a community out of and growing the Team OCD gaming community onto more blockchain games! What do you guys think of that after checking out the game? Let me know!
PS! Gods Unchained recently announced the release of 1v1 so could be a good time to revive the GU community on OCD with some tournaments! :)
Hey guys, I'm one of the devs on Dissolution we're a team of 4 that's been working on this game for the past 2 years. The game is free to play on steam:
If you enjoyed the gameplay, you might also enjoy our announcement trailer:
We're also super active on Discord:
Oooh, this is the one you were talking about last night! Nice, will check it out and see if it will run on my LT, no gaming pc here 😭.
Looks cool! I think that this game might show how the crypto games could look in the near future. I've always said that blockchain games are somewhat simple, but they give us the opportunity to earn crypto and that makes them more enjoyable and personally I don't feel like I'm wasting time while playing them, in some cases it is a good investment.
Thank you for sharing, later this year I'm planning to buy a gaming PC, the laptop that I have right now is very fast but doesn't have a good enough video card to play heavy games.
This looks great. I'm not exactly a gamer but this looks like what I'd need to blow off some steam sometime.
Looks even better than i thought it did. I check out one of the missions last week. Did not do anything else.
Looks awesome!
Looks decent, gotta say.
Movement is crisp, the shooting seems to lack impact though (still alpha) but overall it's prolly the best looking crypto game I've seen so far.
Oh and why you always sound sad in your videos and streams? Here's a beer, that always cheers me up. 🍺😉
Posted using Dapplr
I'm finnish, 9 month darkness and 3 weeks summer does that to you.
I forgot about that.. Theres actually a name for that and it is "SAD". Seasonal affective disorder. 🤔
Its very promising game with good look.

I like futuristic elements.
It's nice that all the action takes place somewhere in space, away from Earth 😎
I am glad that GU finally introduced 1v1.
Time for a friendly duel?
This looks AWESOME! I am gonna have to get it.
Get it!
Wtf this game is great. Just by reading it my pc exploded hahaha. It looks fantastic, the Unreal Engine works magic. The gameplay you made is pretty good, too much quality for me hahaha. I'd like to see more posts like this.
Graphics look decent. i think its a fun idea to make a hive team "corporation" when the time comes. Fun community to team up with.
I’m not into Games.
However I just wanted to say Hello 👋
Happy Wednesday
Hi! :D
Do you know the first HD RPG crypto game? I did register but didn't yet install the software. It was in ETH by UNITY.
What's it called?
Check it out... You are good in review! Please share it to me after... Tag me in your post to know it quickly...
Do you mean this one?
Nope, not that one...
Path of Exile on blockchain would be insane!
hahaha... There is more to come which is craziest!!! LOL
Investment land crypto! It was on BBC News!
In 2020, many games are being played in the community, but the most popular game is PUBG MOBILE, this game is very frustrating, don't you like the game? the game is like reality yes I think this is very extraordinary. regards 🙏
This is more like it!
can you play on mac? kind of reminds me of Syphon Filter....checking it out now..
The graphics are beautiful. Then the idea of incorporating Ethereum Blockchain can be something revolutionary. By now cryptocurrencies are about to be incorporated everywhere (even virtual action figures relating to MLB players use Ethereum smart contracts!)