[Acid Plays] Shadowlands is here!

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

Jumped back on my main warrior who's been idly sitting by at level 50 waiting for the new expansion and hoping it'll be better than the previous one! Only time will tell!

I'm still trying to experiment to figure out the best resolution per quality settings so the videos won't be too long and too big to fit onto the 3speak upload which currently is max 3.5gb! Although I kind of wish we could increase it by giving 3speak a higher beneficiary cut or something, maybe something to think about @wehmoen / @theycallmedan so that I don't have to think too much about the file size and have to re-encode it and stuff.

Anyway, shadowlands is out! After emptying my bags a little bit, checking on some macros here and there I started doing the campaign to get to the shadowlands! Think the mic to background volume is alright now but the video turned out a bit smaller than I wanted so will have to increase the quality a bit more for the next one as this ~1.3h turned into 1.5gb at 720p.

Let's see what else awaits us in the shadowlands!

Are you playing the new expansion?

▶️ 3Speak


Very nice! I remember when Burning Crusade first came out how exciting it was to explore a whole new land. I kind of miss that.

Yeah that one I was the most excited of, and WOTLK, now it's just a bit like "okay this is cool". :D

Yes, WotLK was cool too. I really liked the event they opened up at the far north of the map with the jousting.

Will go see if my internet has enough 'juice' to watch in 3Speak!

@tipu curate

The limit is actually a technical one. Our storage provider allows single files to have a maximum file size of 3.8GB. To be on the safe site we only allow 3.5GB.