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RE: The games and tales that influenced me into loving fighting games [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Gaming5 months ago

Things that happen when you have access to internet as a kid and can swim through an ocean of game videos and games to discover- I remember discovering a lot of SEGA arcade stuff specifically because of the day I saw a Daytona USA 2 cab on my local arcade and got obsessed with all things SEGA after discovering the original Daytona as well as other PC any case, yeah, I had been told before by a few in high school and university that it would be hard to tell from the kind of games I frequently talk about/play that I was born in 2002 if they saw me online.

Although again, got a lot to thank to my brothers for having some cool taste in games that transferred over to me to an extent [I don't have the best hand for RPG and Strategy games like them]...and also being constrained to a humble Toshiba laptop with a Pentium B690 and 2GB of RAM easily was a big reason for me to explore older games for years.

Thanks for reading and for your comment :]