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RE: Playing Risk of Rain 2 for the first time with friends [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Gaminglast month

I still have to give it more time - but I can see how fun it can be already, more so with buddies but I can also tell it is also adjustable to play solo.

Again, was interesting to realize that what the multi-level with pickups reminded me of was PSO - but that's more like a RPG(?) with permanent upgrades. This one being almost all roguelike does give that sense of "having to come back" after blowing a good run, but also explains why you can scale yourself up fast.

Reminds me of when I used to play 20XX a lot during the pandemic (roguelite as you could get perma upgrades) because of the MMX gameplay mixed with randomizing. I have to admit that this one is somehow the first FPS I've played recently and for a while though - there's sure a few I should try again someday but haven't yet (COD4, Halo, Quake or Unreal)...but oh well.

I definitely should try myself some variety nowadays to get my energy up more reliably after so many racing/kart racing games 😅 (had tried out Ex-Zodiac and Balastro again not too long ago - but I still have games on my Steam Library untouched like L4D2 and Hollow Knight).

Thanks for reading and for your comment!