The Tournament of Power / Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 4 (Eng/Esp)

in Hive Gaming6 months ago

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The Tournament of Power / Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 4 (Eng/Esp)

Goku Vs Kefla.png


Hello my beautiful people of hive gaming, here AlexBit in a new publication for the community, this time we continue again with the mod of Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 4, today we will be watching two important fights of the Tournament of Power, Goku vs Kefla fight and Vegeta vs Mole God of Destruction fight.


The creators of the mod recreated the entire Dragon Ball Super saga so I bring you one of the most interesting fights that this saga contains, the fight between Goku Ultra Instinct vs Kefla SSJ, this fight develops just like in the anime, Goku after Being pressured by Kefla accesses ultra instinct to be able to confront Kefla.


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Kefla being a fusion, its power increased by overwhelmingly this makes Goku have no choice but to activate the ultra instinct, already with the ultra instinct activated the fight develops in a favorable way for Goku since he can perfectly dodge all the attacks that Kefla throws, this makes She gets upset and starts to become more aggressive.

But Goku, without breaking a sweat, manages to dodge and counter all of her attacks, causing Kefla to start throwing desperate attacks. Goku takes advantage of this situation to connect a powerful attack that ends up knocking her off the platform and thus disqualifying her.



After defeating kefla we go straight to For the penultimate fight of the tournament of power, in this fight N17 participate Freeza and Vegeta vs. Mole, in the first phase we have the fight of N17 and Freeza against Mole, it is this fight that Freeza is the one who fights Mole to the point of almost take him out, the bad thing is that before being eliminated, mole acquires his form of god of destruction, this makes the fight lean in favor of mole.



Mole with this new shape He beats up Freezer to the point that he ends up destroying the combat arena. Before Mole can take out Freezer, N17 steps in to distract Mole, with the goal of gaining time. In this combat, N17 can't scratch Mole like that. We have to hold on until Vegeta arrives.

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With the arrival of Vegeta the real fight begins, Vegeta begins the fight with a clash of energies which Vegeta wins after that we begin with the exchange of blows until finally It is possible to break Mole's firmness, this means that all attacks now affect him and thus he begins to gain vegetative ground.


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After fighting for a while and seeing that mole would not give up so easily Vegeta decides to carry out the same attack that he used against Majin Buu but with the difference that this time he does survive the explosion, said explosion ends up taking mole out of the arena for which Universe 11 only There is one participant left.

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El Torneo del Poder / Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 4 (Eng/Esp)

Goku Vs Kefla.png


Muy buenas mi gente bella de hive gaming, aquí AlexBit en una nueva publicación para la comunidad, en esta ocasión continuamos nuevamente con el mod del Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 4, hoy estaremos viendo dos peleas importantes del torneo del poder, la pelea de goku vs kefla y la pelea de vegeta vs topo dios de la destrucción.


los creadores del mod recrearon toda la saga de dragon ball super así que les traigo uno de los combates mas interesantes que contiene esta saga, el combate de goku ultra instinto vs kefla ssj, esta pelea se desarrolla igual que en el anime, goku despues de ser presionado por kefla accede al ultra instinto para poderle hacer frente a kefla.


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Kefla al tratarse de una fusión su poder aumento de manera abrumadora esto hace que goku no le quede de otra que activar el ultra instinto, ya estando con el ultra instinto activado la pelea se desarrolla de manera favorable para goku ya que puede esquivar de marea perfecta todos los ataques que lanza kefla, esto hace que ella se moleste y comience a volverse mas agresiva.

Pero goku sin despeinarse logra esquivar y contrarrestar todos sus ataques, esto hace que kefla comience a tirar ataques a lo desesperado esta situación la aprovecha goku para conectarle un potente ataque que la termina sacando de la plataforma y por ende descalificándola.



Después de derrotar a kefla pasamos directamente para el penúltimo combate del torneo del poder, en este combate participan N17 freezer y vegeta vs topo, el la primera fase tenemos la pelea de N17 y freezer contra topo, es este combate freezer es el que le da pelea a topo asta el punto de casi sacarlo, lo malo es que antes de ser eliminado topo adquiere su forma de dios de la destrucción, esto hace que la pelea se incline a favor de topo.


Topo con esta nueva forma le da una paliza a freezer a tal punto que termina destruyendo la arena de combate, antes que topo sacar a freezer N17 se interpone para distraer a topo, con el objetivo de ganar tiempo, en este combate N17 no le puede hacer ningún rasguño a topo así que toca aguantar asta que llegue vegeta.

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Con la llegada de vegeta comienza el verdadero combate, vegeta comienza la pelea con un choque de energías el cual gana vegeta después de eso comenzamos con el intercambio de golpes asta que por fin se logra romper la firmeza de topo esto hace que ahora todos los ataques le afecten y así comienza a ganar terreno vegeta.

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Después de estar peleando por un rato y ver que topo no se rendiría tan fácil vegeta decide realizar el mismo ataque que uso contra majin bu pero con la diferencia que esta ves si sobrevive a la explosión, dicha explosión termina sacando de la arena a topo por la cual el universo 11 solo le queda un participante.

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▶️ 3Speak

 6 months ago  

Man, Dragon ball Tenkaichi was extremely good and fun, especially because I got to play it on the Nintendo Wii, the fights were very fun.

Hombre, el Tenkaichi de Dragon ball era sumamente bueno y divertido, sobre todo porque lo llegue a jugar en la Nintendo Wii, los combates eran muy divertidos

Brother your gameplays end up being very entertaining, I have a good time watching you play bro. No more to add, just keep putting these gameplays together and the post is well done, everything is impeccable. Thanks for sharing.


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