Hello guys hope all of you are doing good.
Welcome to the final gameplay of The Order 1886. The famous tragedy of Galahad, the once Knight; a true protector of the realm.
The men were at the back door of the United India Company headquarters, at the house of an old chap. The guy was a bit fragile yet he did his bid in this incursion.
The airship adventure had taken over the news, in the front page. It was botched yet Galahad made it out alive.
The man and Alastair discussed the location of the area, it’s weak spots and entry points.
Meanwhile, I roamed around and found some interesting intel on the old guy. Turns out, Francis worked with the commonwealth forces. Behind the photo was written: Lance Sergeant, 12th Regiment of the Trot
I ventured the room some more and got to the crossbow and did it look sick while the men in the other room studied the maps.
Alastair came from behind and picked up his one. Their weapon of choice to sneak into the compound unnoticed, Alastair’s idea.
The men headed outside the room through the back door. They overlooked the area and their LZ was the gardens, the place of entry was from there.
They moved to the rooftops. Galahad was impressed that Francis’ plans was a hit. A trustworthy man. But Alastair rejected the thought, told that the guy had some debt to repay so if he had failed to deliver, it would be very unpleasant for the man. Alastair made a pulley system with a rope and tied the other end with a heavy cube shaped rock.
Galahad took the crossbow that had it’s wire attached and aimed to the garden’s rooftop, the arrow made an impact and Alastair cranked the wheel and the rock fell down the side stretching the rope and thus ensured it’s tensile strength. All the perfect conditions.
Galahad asked Alastair to hold back and guide the man about incoming enemy. When the area would be clear, he would be given the GO sign. He agreed. He asked Galahad to be careful as his sister wouldn’t forgive him if he were to return alone. Galahad pointed that what she doesn’t know can’t hurt her.
The knight looked at the wire and jumped in, the hook in the rope and slide in the garden.
As soon as he got it, a guard was present in the vicinity, patrolling the area and looked directly at his location. I made a comment on the guard as how does he not see the crossbow, it was like an elephant hiding behind a pole.
The garden area was being cleared silently as I didn’t want to waste my arrows just yet and took them out with the takedown action.
This was the first time I used an arrow. I didn’t want to take the chance of missing the perfect timing on the takedown action, also the guy was a bit further and I couldn’t point to the perfect blind spot as to get behind his as he was moving rapidly.
The sole purpose of taking this one is to show that this was THE FIRST TIME I had used the hint sign in the entirety of the game. My sense of location was gone, I had forgotten where I needed to go due to the takedown actions and were they cool omg!
I had to eliminate most of the guards in the garden to find the key. It was time consuming as one wrong timing meant repeating the whole thing all over again.
The other side had a similar case: Guards spread throughout the area. I felt like I was back to Gotham as the whole environment was pitch black. Reminded me of the DC movies which had nonexistent light, basically everybody was blind when night strolled in.
This was the area behind the headquarters building. Once this was cleared Alastair made contact as he had entered this area from the other side. Their next move, clearing the east and west wing. Galahad suggested to stay off the communicator as enemies were guarding congested area, he went West and Alastair took the East wing.
A man entered through the door and Galahad closely followed him. As soon as I entered I saw a picture of a man with 2 little girls, most likely his daughter. I heard footsteps nearby and killed the unsuspecting man walking outside the room. Also, this was my last arrow on the crossbow🥲.
I moved through the place room and went downstairs and into the small gardens. Here, in the stream, I taunted the man right till the moment he drew closer until i killed him. He was searching me with his flashlight. There were 3 more guards ahead, got them all in my first try! I also found an ammunition box so my crossbow/ arbalest bow had been replenished.
Once the area was empty Galahad took the tunnel that connected him with the other side: this faced the front part of the headquarters.
The timing of the Queen was impeccable. But initially, they were exposed and were found by a guard that took a hostage( another company guard). I did shoot the guy but didn’t register. You can hear that I did pull the trigger but it was too late, got it on my second try. Then I wondered, what if I had zero ammo? Would I be allowed to shoot with an empty bullet that the game would somehow replenish me with?
The Queen of Jhansi brought in 2 more people: Devi and Finley. So a party of 5 had infiltrated the company grounds. She asked if the man Galahad had brought could be trusted. He assured her and also went on to say that he trusted him with his life. They would reunite in the archives room. They moved to the outside of the building and only had one more point to go through. The people were cleared and they assembled. A stage coach was nearby and they got it in position as to help themselves into the building window.
The Queen asked Devi to stay back as she was worried about her safety. Imagine a Queen being protective of her subordinates. She asked Devi if she knew how close she was to her heart, Devi asked her back as to why would she push her away. If something were to happen to Lakshmi/Queen she would continue the quest. Galahad entered the conversation and told Devi that he would protect the Queen.
As soon as I had entered the place I heard gunshots🥲. Yep, all that effort to keep the whole sneaking in thing low key as over. I used my crossbow and picked up a gun. The guards were by the garden just outside the building. As soon as I cleared them, more started to pour inside the building 3rd floor. This was the inside part. The fire cracker that you see is the fire breathing shotgun, just a shot from it caused me to go to critical health.had to be very careful and accurate to get past them as the enemies were trigger happy. And , for the last time I’m saying: This Game Knows How To Throw Enemies At You.
The good ol’ device from Tesla. And boy did it look cool. When I saw this that whole thing just came to me. This game also had bad lighting and favoured the dark like the DC movies, the guy Galahad is also a brooding type and does not date within the work force. It has cool gadgets and a lot of action just like the Batman series. This resemblance was uncanny.
The party finally met at the archives room and gave each other a warm welcome. Galahad had to explain that both sides were focused at the same thing: to expose the conspiracy of the United India Company. The rebels and Alastair initially thought that both were being played by. That Galahad had set the whole thing up. Galahad told that she was the one who show him the true colours of the Company after he was accused of terrorism against the country by Lucan. She brought the conspiracy to his attention and said that her help would be invaluable. Lucan asked if she, the leader of the rebels, could be trusted. Galahad told that both he and her would suffer the same consequences as Malory did. He made Lakshmi to give up her aiming stance and asked Lucan to do same. He obeyed and hoped that Galahad was right. They underwent a temporary truce.
More intruders arrived and tried to take out the united band of Knights and Rebels together. The lobby was cleared and they moved through a balcony. Additional enemies arrived at the courtyard. This was when I found this merry weapon, a remote controlled explosive device. Like the name suggests, I had to launch it and had to press a button to activate it.
The people made it inside the United India house where some papers of news and others were around.
One such paper was this, the little trip to the docks with the Queen.
Further ahead is the archives room. Shelves of books and random papers were stored. The party searched the room and finally found what they came looking for.
The map of the supply drop made by the United India Company. Their trip all over the world. Lakshmi exclaimed that if the trails marked here were true then the Company had a foothold in every Indian state. The Agamemnon shipment destined for the Americas and 3 more afterwards.
It was then both the Queen and Knight realised that their own companions were missing. A sound came from the other room. Didn’t sound like a good one.
Inside that saw that the inside of Finley was being sucked out by a Vampire, Lord Hastings himself. The Queen pointed to the creature as it put it’s teeth out and went back to it’s other state.
Lakshmi pointed that this man, Lord Hastings, was behind it all. Galahad asked if he was the reason behind the Whitechapel killings, the half-breed scourge, and the United India as the butt naked creature put it’s robe on and sat on the sofa like any ordinary man. It named himself as Jacob van Neck, or as the Fleet Street pamphleteers say, Jack the Ripper.
Alastair entered the room. He was thanked promptly for delivering the problem makers. Yes, the man Galahad trusted with his life, the woman who lived the knight romantically, her brother, had betrayed him. Hastings or Jacob said that both the rebel leader and a traitor nabbed in one go. Galahad asked Alastair how did he betray them. Alastair told that he had to look out for his own kind first.
Lucan motioned to Jacob to go for the lady. Lakshmi ran through the window, the vampire chased her but the knight threw a knife to his shoulder and thus stopped the creature. Lucan took Galahad by surprise and threw him off the floor, Lacan himself went down with him. He quickly went to Galahad and sat of him and threw punches. Galahad found an opening and sliced his chest with his other knife. Lucan ran the other way.
The knight chased after the creature and was met with multiple Lycans.
Got them all shortly after and continued my chase until I was met with more of the company guards. A broadcast went off saying that the India House hosted numerous visitors hence the metropolitan police were to be on standby. The protection of Lord Hastings were their primary objective.
Just as the knight went towards the hall, Lucan took his by surprise again and tried to push him down the floor. Instead, the knight put his feet to the railing and pushed back. This time he instantly plundered the huge knife in Lucan’s stomach area. He said that the men had sworn an oath, Lucan showed his half-breed face. They struggled for a while and this time Lucan had the knife. Just then, the knights had stormed through the gate of the house.
The creature ran or rather leapt out of the place.
The final stab was made and Alastair went crashing to the floor, turning into his human self again.
Alastair told that he always knew that a day like this would arrive. Galahad asked his reasoning for the half breed scourge epidemic, all of those years spent fighting side by side. Alastair told that he had seen enough for a lifetime; the rise and fall of civilisation, the greed of men and their reasoning for wars.
Human were no better than half-breed said by Alastair. The sister and father he had never knew about his true nature.
Just then, the chancellor entered the room. Saw his son on the ground in a pitiful manner and told that he knew Alastair. He was the one who rescued him as a baby when his father was killed by him.
Galahad asked the chancellor to tell the council of the matter. He disagreed and said that this revelation would shake the order to it’s very core. Galahad asked, “How many must die due to the eternal silence?”. Gun still pointed towards Galahad by the chancellor, he said that Alastair was his son. Hence, he delegated the job of sending his son to a better place to Galahad. He further warned, “Isabeau and the council and should never know of this lest all that he held precious perish. He won’t be allowed to have fellowship with any knight. The order must remain united. You are no longer one of it’s herald”.
The chancellor went away smelling the man with the gun to finish what he had started and vanish, men were never meant to live such a life.
I also didn’t want to pull the trigger but I had to… this marked the end of the vampire scourge. Or did it?
All of London was not looking for Sir Galahad. Nikola informed on the comms. The Council declared martial law throughout the city. Am offensive could take place at any given moment. This scene here reminded me of how Batman was first introduced in the Arkham Knight series. Truly both the games and their lighting have so much in common. Except Batman was a billionaire playboy🤷♂️.
Nikola asked him to listen to Lady Lakshmi’s advice to leave the city. Galahad said that he would return shortly. “And don’t you know, I’m Galahad no more”
The end…
Recently, my Ethernet wire has been giving some trouble and so my net connection went out during the stream. Hence 2 videos.
(All the pics have been taken from my own game)
Enjoy the gameplay and thank you for reading thus far. Take much love and care. Bye now🖐.
I played this game 5 years ago. I can remember how I've amazed by the graphics at that time. The Order is an awesome game with a very good Storyline.
Exactly!!! Also the cross of science and myth with the addition of a low key person throughout history(Nikola Tesla). It’s a great mix!
Thank you!