Welcoming Michonne's Journey Through The Seas ~ P.s She Has Trauma | A New Life With New Challenges

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.

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Today, I will share the adventures and life events of Michone, a woman with a sad past, through the thick and thin in the zombie-riddled world.

Without further ado, let's begin!


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A small clip was rolled where we see our protagonist hack-slashing her way toward 2 small children

Flash Back

The game begins with a flashback of Michone. She was stranded in the outskirts with the walkers as company. She cleared her path through the forest as she hacked away the leaves.

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That's when we find that there were 2 shadows that she could never forget even after she killed all those zombies. The shadows were her 2 children that she had lost.

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In pursuit of the shadowy children, her memory rolled out events as she continued to project "obstacles" on her path.

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She then gets transferred to an apartment where she used to live. She saw the 3 toys her children used to play with and she discovered a walker slowly approaching her as she tripped and fell to the floor.

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She managed to kill all 3 zombies and finally saw her children, inside the room they were scared. She struggled to get to the room but found herself on the shores again with a revolver.

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A sea of walkers approached her slowly. She found only 1 bullet on her. She slid it into the cylinder and rolled it up. As she found herself in a dire position, I did not want to take the chance of killing herself even though I knew the gun was not gonna shoot. I made her lower the gun.

Moments later, a man's voice came from the distance. She opened her eyes and found a hand extended by a stranger.

3 Weeks Later

The remembrance of her children still haunted her. Pete entered her room and asked if she was still troubled by the nightmares.

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She wanted to work to clear her head so Pete asked Oak to rest, she would take her spot. Then, he mentioned about Vanessa and Rashid going out and didn't send them a signal yet. I made Michonne point out that they might've moved on. Pete said they wouldn't have moved on without telling them.

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After tinkering with the radio wave, between which Oak came in and made himself hot chocolate, Pete heard a faint cry for help coming from a woman. He lost the signal. Everyone knew it wasn't Vanessa's and Oak was against going to land for it. Pete made the point that surviving is not enough when they could save a life out there and Michonne followed right after.

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So, Pete asked Michonne to try and trace the source of the voice while he headed up and checked the deck. Michonne did trace it as Pete came back but the tranquility was short-lived as their boat was snagged and the winds made the sail go out of control. Thus they got stuck. Everyone was pointing to Pete and demanded they not stay there for a moment longer. Michonne asked everyone to get their priorities straight and try to fix the broken sail. Pete agreed and each one of them went the other way.

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Michonne looked around with her binoculars with no luck. She decided to shine some light underwater. That's when she found out what had caught them. Pete also looked through and found that the boat in question was not Rashid's. All they needed to do was to get it off its hair.

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Berto expressed his concern about the boat. He recalled the amount of times he had seen people get stuck and killed in bad places. Michonne reassured him they would be fine.
Later she checked up on the low food supply and surmised they needed to trade soon.

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She went up to the sails and tried to fix it with Siddik and Oak. That's where Oak asked that they refrain from finding new people. The ones on land would do anything to get a boat as good as theirs. Michonne asked if he thought this was a trap, and Oak said he wouldn't be surprised.

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In the distance, Michonne found a floating ferry. Siddik was the first who hear about it. She reported to Pete who confirmed that it was his first time hearing about a ferry in that region but the materials they would need would have to be brought from this new location.

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Pete regrouped the crew and told them that he and Michonne were going to the ferry. She took her necessary tools and sharpened her machete.

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Oak went up to Michonne and told them she needed to be careful and be back right after getting their materials. He didn't want this operation to turn into a rescue mission.

A few Hours Later

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The sun rose from the other end of the Earth as Pete continued to row the boat and tried to keep Michonne entertained and she, as usual, took his words the other way and teased him.

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It didn't take the residents who were dormant underwater to come to life as they were disturbed by fellow living. They found themselves surrounded and knew they had to run to the shore should they want to live.
She got pulled underwater but somehow hacked away the agitator and Pete pulled her out of the water.

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Soon, they reached an abandoned base with a few crows resting on the top. I made Michonne say that there may be residents inside the place.

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As soon as they went inside through the window after they climbed the ladder, they were welcomed by a few walkers.

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They searched the area once things died down, literally, and found that the people who remained dead had been executed not too long ago. In the corner, they found a middle-aged man holding onto a girl. This scene triggered another trauma-inducing memory for Michonne.

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They explored the place further and inspected the items available in the room. She found a small gas tank that could be of use should they stay there longer and attract zombies.


And that's it for today. I must admit that I didn't expect the devs to put a woman with a traumatic past in the storyline. It has always portrayed protagonists with strong ideals and even stronger convictions through a cohesive group. I hope she does not get turned or shot as the game devs love to smother their MC down the lane.

Video Gameplay


Thank you for watching this far, see you legends on the next one!

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 2 months ago  

This story game is impressive. I like these sorts of the games. Zoombies are dangerous everywhere thank God, Michonne adjusted their killing. Her Children are I think her strength hence every time she get lost in their memories. Good and honest review!