Today is a special day for me, and for you guys dead cell game lovers. Today I want to tell you a little about a new DLC in dead cells called Fatal Falls which is launching on Jan 26, 2021.
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Fatal Falls is a new expansion of the roguelike game Dead Cells. Even its existence itself has been widely known by many people in 2020. And on Jan 26, 2021 finally Motion Twin launched their latest DLC in dead cells.
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And for you who don't know about the Dead Cells game, you can read my previous review about Dead Cells here, Dead Cells - Game Review. Because in this post I will not write about the story in the game or gameplay. On this post I only write about the latest things that are in DLC at Dead Cells: Fatal Falls. So you can read my previous review about Dead Cells to find out more about the Dead Cells game.
So what's the latest in Dead Cells: Fatal Falls DLC?
Nah! in Fatal Falls brings a new a play area for players where this place will serve as an alternative path. So what are the new a play areas in Dead Cells: Fatal Falls?
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- Fractured shrines is the first area where this area is a work of floating islands filled with various types of traps.
- The Undying Shores is where this place will be able to place the players in the middle of a giant storm and a variety of unique enemies.
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And not only that, apart from adding a new world to be enjoyed in the fatal falls game, also present various types of weapons. Dead Cells provides seven new weapons that we can bring into battle such as: Lightning Rod, Ferryman's Lantern, Scarecrow Sickles, Iron Staff, Snake Fangs, Cocoon, Serenade. And also new power skills come in the form of flying swords that endlessly slash enemies and scythes that follow players and are attracted to enemies.
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And it turns out that Motion twin's also didn't forget to add enemies and new bosses that will make it even more difficult for us to finish the Dead Ceals : Fatal Falls game. When playing we will fight new enemies such as Myopic Crow and Clumsy Swordsman and The Scarecrow. To kill this threat, we need one or all of the seven new weapons.

Dead cell makes me fall in love even more. With the latest DLC on Dead Cells, it makes this game even more perfect and more exciting to play. Fatal Falls is priced at $4.99 and is available for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam.
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