the most underrated Pokemon game and my relationship with the saga | Español-English

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

Hooola a todo el mundo❤️ he estado algo desaparecida de mis redes el trabajo me tiene atada toda la mañana y los unicos momentos libres que tengo para ver hive son cuando llego a la casa y me conecto😤 de igual forma he estado pensando en otro topico para hablar un poco mas sobre mi experiencia con los videojuegos y creo que estaria genial empezar a hablar de mi relacion con Pokemon, no es una de fanatismo ya que solo lo consumia porque en la sala de mi casa la tv siempre estaba puesta en el canal en donde pasaban la serie 😂 pero los juegos me han dejado con un buen sabor de boca cada vez que los juego o veo a alguien jugarlos, en la memoria sd de la Nintendo DS de mi hermano habian varios de estos juegos y para serles sincera eran demasiado largos y lentos para mi gusto, pero iba a haber uno que me iba a dejar varios meses jugandolo sin cansarme y considero que es un juego del que no se habla demasiado o al menos yo no lo he visto. 🤔

Pokemon Rangers

Al principio no entendia muy bien de que iba este juego, parecia tu entrega standard de pokemon en donde atrapabas a criaturas para ponerlas a pelear bajo tu control pero en unos minutos de juego y una pequeña investigacion despues me hizo querer un poco mas este juego por sobre los otros, la premisa de pokemon es un poco oscura si lo piensas bien 😅 y tener un mundo pequeño en donde los Rangers mas bien defendian a los pokemon sin dominarlos era un gran SI en mi cabeza, ademas de que los rangers era un tipo de patrulla que protegia a la naturaleza y a los pokemon asi que en cierta forma me volvi muy fanatica de estos personajes.

Recuerdo que el comienzo era bastante similar al de otros juegos que he visto, vamos merodeando por ahi hasta que nos encontramos a alguien en problemas al cual salvamos gracias a la herramienta que lleva, en este caso es como un controlador con el cual podemos hacernos amigos de los pokemon y hacer que colaboren con nosotros para hacer ciertas tareas, despues de esto vamos con esa persona y nos introduce a todo el equipo de rangers y sin ningun tipo de prueba nos dan una chaqueta y nos ponen a trabajar para ellos. 🤣


A partir de alli vamos en aventuras o misiones para resolver problemas con pokemon salvaje o pokemon que han sido manipulados por el equipo malvado de turno, el equipo go rock y tienen el nombre mas original del mundo y que tienen el objetivo de domesticar a todos los pokemon de la region, por supuesto eso no nos gusta nada y haremos todo lo posible para enfrentarlos, el juego tiene graficas de pokemon normal pero creo que aca si podemos ver a los pokemon cuando caminamos o cuando incluso tenerlos a nuestro lado mientras andamos, lo raro es que cada vez que usemos alguna habilidad de ellos se van sin mas, creo que ese es la mision del ranger, usar a los pokemon pero no tenerlos mas de la cuenta, aun asi recuerdo que tenia un equipo y no usaba a ningun pokemon para no perderlo.


Me parecio un juego tan diferente al resto, no me gustaban las batallas pokemon tradicionales porque era bastante mala jugandolas, no me sabia la mayoria de los ataques y siempre estaban en otro idioma pero otra ventaja que tenia este juego es que al menos la version que tenia la sd estaba en el idioma español asi que desde el comienzo supe lo que tenia que hacer y no tenia esa dificultad agregada de tener que traducir todo para llegar a pasar una mision, los encuentros con los pokemon son solo para ver si queremos o necesitamos domarlos temporalmente y aunque si hay una maquina que induce a los pokemon a luchar la mayoria de las veces que tenemos que luchar contra uno es porque el equipo go rock nos lo lanza. 😑

De verdad es un juego genial, no se en que genero encajaria pero aun con los cambios que tiene creo que sigue teniendo esa esencia de pokemon solo que desde un angulo distinto, me gusto tambien que salimos de pikachu y ahora tenemos otro pikachu azul y rojo, ya saben el marketing primero por sobre todas las cosas jajajaja bueno eso ha sido todo, espero les haya gustado mi post y si les gusto les mando saluuudos ❤️

La fuente de la primera imagen es twitter y las demas capturas fueron sacadas de este Gameplay ya que no tengo ni la ds ni el juego ya

English version made

Hooola everyone❤️ I've been a bit missing from my networks, work has me tied up all morning and the only free moments I have to watch hive are when I get home and I connect😤 I've been thinking about another topic to talk a little more about my experience with video games and I think it would be great to start talking about my relationship with Pokemon, it's not one of fanaticism since I only consumed it because in the living room of my house the tv was always on the channel where they showed the series 😂 but the games have left me with a good taste in my mouth every time I play them or see someone playing them, in the sd memory of my brother's Nintendo DS there were several of these games and to be honest they were too long and slow for my taste, but there was going to be one that was going to leave me several months playing it without getting tired and I consider that it is a game that is not talked about too much or at least I have not seen it. 🤔

Pokemon Rangers

At first I didn't really understand what this game was about, it seemed like your standard pokemon installment where you catch creatures to put them to fight under your control but in a few minutes of play and a little research later it made me love this game a little more than the others, the premise of pokemon is a bit dark if you think about it 😅 and having a small world where the Rangers rather defend the pokemon without dominating them was a big IF in my head, plus the rangers were a kind of patrol that protected nature and pokemon so in a way I became very fanatic of these characters.

I remember that the beginning was quite similar to other games I've seen, we go prowling around until we find someone in trouble which we save thanks to the tool that carries, in this case is like a controller with which we can make friends with the pokemon and make them collaborate with us to do certain tasks, after this we go with that person and introduces us to the whole team of rangers and without any kind of test they give us a jacket and put us to work for them. 🤣


From there we go on adventures or missions to solve problems with wild pokemon or pokemon that have been manipulated by the evil team on duty, the go rock team and they have the most original name in the world and they have the goal of taming all the pokemon in the region, of course we do not like that at all and we will do everything possible to confront them, the game has normal pokemon graphics but I think that here if we can see the pokemon when we walk or even have them next to us while we walk, the weird thing is that every time we use any ability of them they leave without further ado, I think that is the mission of the ranger, use the pokemon but not have them more than necessary, even so I remember that I had a team and did not use any pokemon not to lose it.


I found this game so different from the rest, I didn't like the traditional pokemon battles because I was pretty bad at playing them, I didn't know most of the attacks and they were always in another language but another advantage that this game had was that at least the version that had the sd was in spanish language so from the beginning I knew what I had to do and I didn't have that added difficulty of having to translate everything to get to pass a mission, The encounters with the pokemon are just to see if we want or need to tame them temporarily and although there is a machine that induces the pokemon to fight most of the time we have to fight one it's because the go rock team throws it at us. 😑

It really is a great game, I do not know in which genre it would fit but even with the changes it has I think it still has that essence of pokemon just from a different angle, I also liked that we left pikachu and now we have another blue and red pikachu, you know marketing first above all things hahahaha well that was all, I hope you liked my post and if you liked it I send you greetings ❤️

The source of the first image is twitter and the other screenshots were taken from this Gameplay since I don't have the ds or the game anymore.

 2 years ago  

The pokemon ranger was one of my favorites especially the third one that was released for DS, because you could play with your friends through the wireless connection that had the console, plus the story was much more extensive than its other deliveries, because you could go to the past and fly through the region of the game, a point that I liked about this game is that it was less tedious to complete the pokedex <3

Siempre he tenido una relación extraña con los spinoff de Pokémon, aunque en términos generales los suelo disfrutar.

Este lo jugué poco, lo emulé hace varios años y lo único que recordaba era que utilizaba la pantalla táctil de forma curiosa.