AquaShop - Stock Log #2 "The Guppy"

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

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Hello and welcome back to The AquaShop Stock Log. 🐠

In this series we will be showcasing the different types of fish you might find in an aspiring fish shop!

take notes shop owners!

Starting with some of the more commonly found fish we will work our way up to the more sought after species of fish that only an experienced caretaker could handle.

The Guppy

Poecilia reticulata
Fresh water / Brackish


The guppy, also known as the "rainbow fish", is one of the world's most widely distributed tropical fish and one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish species.

Guppies originate from northeast South America, but have been introduced to many environments since their discovery in 1859. This mass adoption was most likely made possible by their highly adaptable nature and ability thrive in many different environmental and ecological conditions. This natural trait has also granted them their own place in science as they are used as a "model organism" in the fields of ecology, evolution, and behavioral studies.

An animal of many names...and children

The Guppy has also been known to be called the "million fish" due to how frequently these fish breed and the sheer number of offspring they produce.
Females can have on average up to 50 babies per month!

Why is it called a Guppy?

After First being discovered in 1859 (first time documented in writing) in Venezuela, they were named after Robert John Lechmere Guppy.

We will continue to show more information on these fish as time comes. More information can be read about these fish HERE.

That's all we have for today shop keeps! Keep an eye out for our next post by following us and expect to see more fishy news soon!





I managed to drown my guppy's when I was a little kid

That's floating my boat...🛥

Its safe to say this ones a catch.

Let's get that fish.

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