AquaShop - Stock Log # 5 " The Cardinal Fish "

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

AquaShop - Stock Log # 5 "The Cardinal Fish"

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Hello and welcome back to The AquaShop Stock Log. 🐠

In this series we will be showcasing the different types of fish you might find in an aspiring fish shop!

take notes shop owners!

Starting with some of the more commonly found fish we will work our way up to the more sought after species of fish that only an experienced caretaker could handle.

The Cardinal Fish

Pterapogon Kauderni
Warm Shallow Freshwater


The cardinal fish are omnivores and love to eat plankton and other small crustaceans. Sadly, they were added to the endangered species list in 2016, with only approximately 2.4 million cardinal fish left in the world today. Luckily, the female cardinal fish lays approximately 60-90 eggs with each liter, so there is hope for them yet! They grow to be a tiny 0.4 to 0.45 ozs and are a whopping 2-3 inches (6-8 cm) long. And perhaps most impressive of all, the male Banggai cardinal fish has been known to survive an entire month without eating any food.

Where are they from?

The cardinal fish lives in the warm, shallow areas of oceans and seas. The Banggai cardinal fish can be found in the Banggai islands of Indonesia. Typically, cardinal fish live in groups of seven to nine fish. They like to hang out in coral reefs and rely on sea urchins for protection from predators.

How Do They Communicate?

Fish mostly use non-verbal cues to communicate. The Banggai fish is especially known for its 'tremble', observed when a female fish courts a male fish.

We will continue to show more information on these fish as time comes. More information can be read about these fish HERE.

That's all we have for today shop keeps! Keep an eye out for our next post and expect to see more fishy news soon!





Will your, uhh... game have aquariums where we can watch our fish swim about, give them food, tell a toddler to stop tapping on the glass, etc?

Yes! You'll be able to maintain your own shop or home aquarium. Interacting with your fish and keeping them happy is a must!😄

That's floating my boat...🛥