Dungeons & Dragons Rules Expansion Gift Set Review Tabletop Gaming

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

Dungeons & Dragons Rules Expansion Gift Set Review

Hello, friends, how are you? As you know, I love the game of dungeons and dragons. And today I would like to introduce you to the Dungeons & Dragons Rules Expansion Gift Set. This book set came out at the beginning of the year, that is, in January 2022.
Although I couldn't get it when it first came out, I had the chance to get it in the summer and the 3 main books and dungeon master screens I have been using since then came from this set.

Today we will review this set with you


All photos taken by myself

Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse

As a dungeon master, I can say that this is the book I use the most. Whenever I am looking for a new creature, I open this book.
There are pages and pages of information about the creatures and the places they live in. It is possible to read what these creatures are involved in the game and what they do and make up a story accordingly.
In this way, one game is different from the other. And believe me, there are so many creatures that it is impossible to end.

There are also creatures for every difficulty level.
This is a new way for us to fight at every level throughout the whole game.

There are also Fantastic Races in the book. This is an opportunity for players to use the book. I think they have arranged it in such a way that both players and dungeon masters can combine their money and buy this book and they can all benefit from it.

It's definitely not a book to buy once, read and throw away.
It's a book that's going to be used constantly, and it's a book that you're going to take off the shelf and use on the table.

Xanathar's Guide to Everything

This is the oldest book in the set of three and is used by many dungeon masters. It's a sourcebook.
It's not just only used by DMs but also by players because there are subclasses and alternatives for many classes from barbarian to wizard. In this way, when players take this book and make their characters, they will not touch it again until they make their next character.

During the game, DMs will use this book frequently.
Because in the book, there are rules from the rules of various weapons to binding objects to be a helpful resource for DMs.

There are also randomized encounters, all of which are sorted by area. So if the environment you are in is a forest, you can roll dice or choose from a table accordingly. If your environment is underwater, you can use that table.

There is also a section for leisure activities, which is one of my favorite activities. In this way, they've created a section for the characters, the adventurers, to think about what they're doing when they're not running around killing dragons. This allows both the players and the DM to relax a bit, and it's a chance to get to know the characters better.

There are also magical items and various spells. My favorite part is the list of names at the end of the book. Thanks to these lists, believe me, you never have to look for names.
You only need to write down the names in this part of the book and keep it with you so that when your players ask the name of an NPC, you can answer immediately.

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

The players' favorite book. In this in-depth player's book, which includes alternative subclass options for many classes, there are actually chapters for dungeon masters.

First of all, it is not possible to examine the sections for players one by one because more than one subclass feature has been added for each class.
This offers freedom of choice.

In this way, they can create their characters in a much more fantastic way they want.
Even though some have different power levels than others, it's still nothing a good DM can't edit. But I must say that this is not a problem.

For DMs, there are things like, for example, there are rules for playing chapter zero. So you talk about what the players expect from you and what you expect from the players.

Some of the rules are about the characters that the players can take with them. They talk about how to communicate with creatures and how to bargain with them by offering them things.
This makes the creatures in your game more than just a problem to be solved by killing them with swords and magic and gives you a different option.
Like you can solve the problem by bargaining with them, by offering them food, for example.

There are also puzzles, but my group and I didn't use them because we don't like puzzles, but it's nice to have a lot of puzzles with a lot of difficulty and a lot of options so that if we want to do them in the future, we can have them at hand.

Final Thoughts

These books are a very nice addition to the Core Set. If you are just starting dnd, you can get the Core Set. If you want to advance a little bit, you can get this Rules Expansion Gift Set.

The dm screen is also very nice. You can see the details in the video above.

I hope you enjoyed this review. Thank you very much for reading!

 2 years ago  

¿Cual fue el motivo que no pudiste conseguirlo en un principio? ¿Se habia terminado rapido o estabas corto de dinero? Toda esa informacion como Dungeon master es oro puro, logras contar una mejor historia, con más detalles una gran compra.

The book looks great, man. My favorite thing about board games is these great resource books. They shine and everything is explained so well in depth that you don't hesitate when you play. Every time you share it makes me want to play this game more and more haha.

I would like you to join us one day if we can manage the time 😁😁

litte little?
Evvvereythingg? o.O
Tasha; Everythingg! right on the middle

Dude i really like d&d books and qualities. They have so many magic monsters, many inspirations for everything. I wanna create new stories and new drawings.
It is very enjoyable to produce new things by fiddling with the books and playing with the drawings in them.

Thank you man yes the books are really shiny I love them 😁😁

Dungeons and Dragons has always caught my attention, but I've never had the chance to play it, in general I feel it's very interesting (from what I've read), someday I hope to be able to play it.

Salu2 😎

Its an amazing game. When I can not play Im watch some games on youtube. Its therapeutic. 😁🤗🤗