My Stardom Journal- #1 and 50 Stardom giveaway

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

Hello Hive. About three weeks ago I discovered the new game Stardom Play after reading one of our fellow Hivians posts! I’ve played a few games here on the Hive chain, and was excited to find one more, and even more excited when it worked flawlessly while on my mobile device! I am a 100% mobile Hivian, not even owning a computer (laptop or desktop), and a few of the games I’ve attempted to play just never really worked right. I have decided to journal my progress through the game, because I believe that it may be the best way for me to actually keep track of my progress and attempt to make and reach goals.

Current Investment:
I started by purchasing (5) Stardom packs with Hive at 22 Hive. Each pack individually cost 5 hive, and comes with 3 NFT cards. However, when purchased at quantities of 5 or 12 you get a discount.
I then purchased (2) Snack booster NFTs and a Rare Baris NFT off of NFTMart for a total of 9.6 hive.
Finally, I had accumulated enough Stardom tokens from playing to purchase another pack for 10,000 Stardom. This is the way I hope to acquire more cards from here in out.
I currently own:
(2) booster cards
(7) Common Equipment cards
(3) Rare equipment cards
(5) common people cards
(4) Rare people cards

Total Invested: 31.6 Hive

Total card collection value(based of off current selling prices on NFTMart): 32.65 hive

Current Progress:
Right now I have made it to level 14 which means the highest Zone mission I can complete is Level 5.
My Fame bar currently sits at 93% due to having more ego than ability, so I am not receiving full rewards when completing missions. My current plan is to cycle between doing Zone missions and Lesson missions in an attempt to move my fame bar up to 100%. I could just do Lessons until my ability matched my ego, but I still want to earn some Stardom tokens as I play.

Now for the giveaway:
I will be giving away 50 Stardom(hopefully growing this as I progress in the game)
Just make a comment saying that you want to enter.
Upvotes/Follows/Re-Blogs greatly appreciated, but in no way required.

If you don’t play and you want to start here is my referral link:
All images taken directly from Stardom Play gameplay.


Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz

Thanks for participating! !LOLZ

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