Brothers and sisters, sultans, titans! Today we return to the lolsito, sorry to be repeated, but I did not have something new haha, sadly I lost the video of Maokai which was a very epic game, but due to errors of my PC that is on its last legs, I lost everything, even so this time I return with the most fun champion of this game and is Blitzcrank.
¡Hermanos y hermanas, sultanes, titanes! El día de hoy volvemos al lolsito, perdonen que sea repetido, pero no tenía algo nuevo jaja, tristemente perdí el video de Maokai el cual fue una partida muy épica, pero que por errores de mi PC que está en las últimas, pues perdí todo, aun así en esta ocasión regreso con el campeón más divertido de este juego y es Blitzcrank.
I decided to go back to using this champion because I was really bored and the truth is playing normal support with a healing or protection champion bores me a lot, I prefer something that gives me a challenge or go crazy killing my opponent without leaving any death to the adc hahaha just kidding, but from time to time I do it.
So my mad titan is back with the best hooks ever.
I couldn't recover the gameplay, just like Maokai's, this one I lost it, since my PC's hard disk came to an end, even so the experience is still there :D.
Decidí volver a usar este campeón porque estaba muy aburrido y la verdad jugar soporte de forma normal con un campeón de curación o de protección me aburre muchísimo, prefiero algo que me dé un reto o volverme loco matando a mi rival sin dejarle ninguna muerte al adc jajaja es broma, pero de vez en cuando lo hago.
Así que mi titán loco vuelve con los mejores ganchos que nunca.
No pude recuperar el gameplay, al igual que el de Maokai, este lo perdí, ya que el disco duro de mi PC llego a su fin, aun así quedo la experiencia :D.
In this game I literally played in a very crazy way, that is to say, it didn't even matter my life, even if I died trying to hook my opponent, but if I did it and my allies took advantage for me it is a resounding success, so I armed myself with my best gesture called by my Sexy and I gave everything to achieve the goal of hooking even the tank.
En esta partida literalmente jugué de forma muy alocada, es decir, ni siquiera importaba mi vida, así muriera en el intento buscando enganchar a mi rival, pero si lo hacía y mis aliados aprovechaban para mí es un éxito rotundo, por lo que me arme con mi mejor gesto llamado por mi Sexy y le di con todas para conseguir el objetivo de enganchar así sea al tanque.
My ADC was a Twich, a rat full of a lot of power and although the beginning of this champ is very passive, I didn't accept that and looked for the best hooks to start giving him power, without a doubt the risk was high because our opponents were a Senna and a Draven, super aggressive champs, but it was worth every second.
Mi ADC era un Twich, una rata llena de mucho poder y aunque el comienzo de este champ es muy pasivo, yo no acepte eso y busque los mejores ganchos para comenzar a darle poder, sin duda alguna el riesgo era alto porque nuestros rivales eran una Senna y un Draven, campeones superagresivos, pero valió la pena cada segundo.
Rotating with this champion is very important, to assure your teammates that Blitzcrank loves you very much and wants to give you a kill by hooking the opponent, so I always looked to ensure that hook and many times I got it, how many laughs I could get by doing this hahaha, so much that the MID loved me.
Rotar con este campeón es muy importante, para asegurar a tus compañeros de qué tito Blitzcrank te quiere mucho y quiere darte una kill enganchando al rival, por lo que siempre busque asegurar ese gancho y muchas veces lo conseguí, cuantas risas pude sacar haciendo esto jajaja, tanto que el MID me amaba.
Although my toplane died many times to the point of leaving his enemy very strong, it was no problem for the best Blitzcrank, that although I died several times for Gnar, my teammates managed to eliminate him and lower the mood to that enemy, on the other hand, it was art hooks that hit very accurately.
A pesar de que mi toplane murió muchas veces al tal punto de dejar muy fuerte a su enemigo, no fue problema para el best Blitzcrank, que aunque morí varias veces por Gnar, mis compañeros lograron eliminarlo y bajarle los humos a ese enemigo, por otra parte, era arte los ganchos que atinaba con mucha precisión.
Although in one of those I tried to help my friends trying to hook an enemy, but I ended up hooking the dragon hahahahahaha, nobody saw that, but they still survived despite my comical mistake.
Aunque en uno de esos trate de ayudar a mis amigos tratando de enganchar a un enemigo, pero termine enganchando al dragón jajajajaja, nadie vio eso, pero aun así sobrevivieron pese a mi error cómico.
The truth, a very fun game, where I always focus on laughing and having fun myself, because generally whenever we play these games we usually get stressed or annoyed more than usual and the typical excuse is the equipment, but we stop thinking that it is just a game and the goal of the games is to have fun, so enjoy playing your games and you will see the difference of living an excellent experience.
La verdad, una partida muy divertida, donde siempre me enfoque en reírme y divertirme a mí mismo, ya que generalmente siempre que jugamos estos juegos solemos estresarnos o molestarnos más de lo normal y la típica excusa es el equipo, pero dejamos de pensar que es solo un juego y el objetivo de los juegos es divertirte, por eso disfruta mucho jugar a tus juegos y verás la diferencia de vivir una excelente experiencia.
Thank you very much for coming here, I'm very sorry for not having the gameplay, but I managed to recover my PC with a new hard drive, so I'm back to the games, without more to say have a great day :D
Muchas gracias por llegar hasta aquí, lamento mucho no tener el gameplay, pero ya logré recuperar mi PC con un nuevo disco duro, de esta forma volver a las partidas, sin más que decir que tengas un excelente día :D
Blitzcrank can be a really good support champion. It is important to aim, position and time well with his hook attack. One good position is around your turrets. If you successfully hook an enemy champion around your turrets, then that is mostly an easy kill for you and for your team. Good luck and have fun.
Bro in this game I did it very often hahaha, hooking under my tower and under the enemy tower and they were easy kills, too bad I lost the gameplay :c
Really good hooks mate, the thing an ADC fears the most is getting hooked by an opposing Blitzcrank and you're pretty good at that. I remember you played BC last month too, is that your main champion?
thanks sultan! he is not my main champion, but as a support player who has played a lot of nautilus, this champion is simple hahaha, even so what I like most about him is that he makes me laugh a lot when I throw a random hook and grab the enemy hahaha :D